Monthly Archives: March 2006

And the Basket Goes To….

The winner of the drawing for the Preemie Project basket goes to…. drumroll please…. Li from Life’s a Stitch!  Congrats Li.  E me your address and I’ll get the basket off to you.

Thanks to everyone for participating and keep those little knitties going to Laura (Knits for Sanity).  It’s a great cause.

It was a long week here.  I caught some nasty stomach bug that’s going around our community and was down for the count Monday.   It came on strong and fast, but it was over pretty quick too.   I was pretty much back to normal by Tuesday afternoon.  Did some volunteering at the school and just kept busy in general.

I finished the baby sweater that was giving me hell a challenge and it’s ready for it’s little recipient who’s due at the end of this month.  I will never do another textured knit back and forth again unless the back side is just knit or purl.  Whew.  I think I got into the rhythm of it just as I was finishing the 2nd sleeve.

Here’s a little sky shot for Sandy (Sandy’s Knitting).   Dan sent it all the way from Afghanistan.  Okay… so it came by email but still… pretty, no?