Monthly Archives: May 2010

Meet the ladies….

So the “girls” have grown a lot.  I just grabbed the purse camera for this shot, so it’s not the greatest.  They look like grown ladies now though.  I have to tell you…. they are so much fun.  It’s very cheap entertainment watching them. 

They definitely have their own personalities.  Priscilla, the Barred Rock, is the nicest of the group and the first to run to me.  I realize she just equates me with food, but since my boys are all at the age now where they think they don’t need me…. I’ll take it.

Shelly, the Buff Orpington, thinks she rules not only the roost, but pretty much the whole backyard.  Sylvie, the Silver Wyandotte, is sort of in the middle, but much more like Shelly.

We should be seeing eggs in about another month to two months.  Can’t wait for that day.  My bet is on Priscilla.  She’s a week older than the other two and she’s just nice like that.  🙂