Monthly Archives: November 2009

Gig ‘Em Ags!

We’ll be celebrating with turkey and all the goodies that go with it tomorrow.  Today we’re headed to Aggieland for the big Texas Aggies vs. Longhorns game.

We have neighbors that bleed orange so the Aggies NEED to win! I

I’m not allowed call that other school University of Texas.  I married into a large Aggie family and here’s your college trivia for the day:

Texas A&M was already going strong when the State of Texas decided to build another State run university.  They asked A&M if they’d like to change their name to University of Texas.  The Ags said, “Hell no!”  So the State built the school in Austin that Aggies call TU.  Aggies know they are the real University of Texas.  That other one is just a Texas University.  

I wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving before we take off!!

Gig ‘Em Ags! 


Am I Blue…. over Blue

Meet Blue.  He’s a very special dog.  A Texas Blue Lacy.  The State dog of Texas!

The breed was actually started by a rancher in the mid 1800s here in Central Texas.   They are incredible working dogs.  They can herd, hunt, bird, hog and be a companion.

Here’s Blue’s story.  I went  to the local Animal Shelter on Sunday to see if I could volunteer to help out.  No can do because of liability they said, but I’m still working on it.  So I asked if I could “just go in and look…”  I knew it was a mistake, but in I went.

I saw this boy and instantly knew he was special.   When I left I called Dan to cry about what I’d seen.  When I was done I told him about this gorgeous dog that they said was a Texas Blue Something.  In a disbelieving voice he said, “Jean.  A TEXAS BLUE LACY?!”  I came home and did some research and actually found a forum talking about this specific dog in the shelter and they were trying to get him out before he was put down.  Of course I offered to help.  First I went to take pictures for them to make sure he was a Lacy (they are a breed specific organization).  While I was there taking pictures a man called saying he was interested so I left him.  After talking to a couple of rescue people I decided to go get him out.  He is a year and three months old and this is his second time in a shelter.  I wanted him to be placed where someone understood the attention and exercise that this breed needs.

Well, here’s the problem.  I’ve had him since about lunch on Monday.  I am completely in love with him.  Do you see that face:

He’s a handful, that’s for sure.  Dan gets home from out of town tomorrow night.  He’s going to fall instantly for this guy.  I’m so torn I’m getting no sleep at night.  I want him to have a forever home where someone really understands the work this breed needs.

I talked to the previous owner last night.  They both work so Blue was in the backyard a lot with their Beagle.  He destroyed their yard and had separation anxiety so they took him to the shelter.

The moral of the story, do research before you adopt or buy a dog.  Really find out about the breed and if it’s right for your family. Blue’s story will end up happy one way or the other, but for so many other dogs it’s a sad ending.

It’s Thankful Thursday and I’m so thankful I got to meet Blue even if he has to move far away.

Who Knew?

As most of you know Joe is my youngest of four boys.  He’s a peanut even though he was ten pounds at birth.  The boy is a handful.  He’s not a bad kid.  He’s ornery and FULL of life.  He has a smile that always keeps him out of trouble and he knows how to use it.  Whenever it’s possible he has a ball in his hand.   Usually a football.  Despite his size, the kid wants to play football in the worst way.   You’ll remember he played for the Junior Black Knights when we were at West Point.  That was it.  He got the taste.  Being in Texas, where football is king, well…. you see what I’m up against.  While Dan’s been away these last five weeks, every single game that Dallas has played, Joe has called his dad at every big play.  

Imagine our surprise when he came home about a month or so ago and announced he wanted to join the Chess Club.  Hmm. We thought it wouldn’t last.  I thought he’d get bored.  Well, yesterday we had our first Chess Tournament.  After four Chess Club meetings, he won one, stalemated one and lost three.  But look at the concentration.  It’s like he’s trying to intimidate the other kid.  This is the one he stalemated on.

This morning I was watching the bird feeders.  I saw a bird that I thought was a House Finch, but I couldn’t tell for sure so I grabbed my camera.  I took this picture of him:

Right when I snapped the picture I noticed something out of the corner of my  eye!  What?! 

I had no idea we had Cardinals!!!  Way cool.

You lookin’ at me?



I definitely need a better zoom lens.


Thankful Thursday

Aggie and I are thankful for our new backyard with all our new little bird friends.  Lucky prefers to be indoors, but Aggie never wants to come in.  This is her new favorite spot:

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that it’s almost Thanksgiving when we are being blessed with such gorgeous weather.  I’m still gardening for crying out loud!

And I’m loving all the birds…  not crazy about the House Sparrows though.  We have a lot of them and they aren’t going to be fun when the Purple Martins come back in Februray and the Bluebirds start nesting season.  My favorites are the Titmice and Carolina Chickadees, but they’re quick little buggers and I’m having a hard time getting a picture.

The Bluebirds are pretty sweet too…

These two won’t be friends come nesting season:

We have lots of House Finches, too:

Aggie likes the birds too.  Not even the promise of a treat will get her to leave this spot.  I have to go pick her up and bring her in.