Monthly Archives: May 2009


Remember this from a previous post?

I’ve had a couple of requests to show the draft.  You can download the pdf by clicking here.

Remember that I am a newbie… big time so proceed with caution!  🙂

It’s been a busy few weeks getting ready for the big move next month.  Yikes.  I can’t believe it’s next month.

 A couple of weeks ago Kim and Ken came for a visit.  We had a BLAST.  We went to see Rock of Ages on Broadway.  Hysterical.  Seriously, if you can go, GO!  I had no idea it was going to be funny.  It’s a boy meets girl story told with the songs of the 80’s.  They even handed out little flashlights that looked like lighters so that the audience could sway back and forth to the music.  It was a lot of fun! 

Come rain or shine we’re headed to NH Sheep and Wool Festival this weekend!! YEAH!!!