Yesterday was the big day. It was like slowly pulling of a big band aid. This is us, Dan’s troops and their families. The picture was taken shortly after we all arrived at the Air Base Terminal. We still had about four hours to wait and then a two hour drive home (ours was the shortest – the other families had at least four hours). I feel the worst for the two moms and their kids. The husband and wife to the right of me (wife is in red shirt) are newlyweds. There are five little kids (the three boys are six), the youngest is two, and two teenagers. There are also three other kids that aren’t in the photo. This is going to be a tough year. Especially for the young mom. This is her first deployment and you can see how little her kids are. Only one of the soldiers is single.
Joe had the other two boys to play with in the play area so they all kept busy while we waited. Daniel surprised us and got very emotional. We did take him off of his meds back at Christmas and have seen a whole new personality (that we love) emerge. It really hit Joe last night after we got home during story and prayer time. That was usually Dan and his routine. Dan had taken a Texas A&M clock that I’d made for him from his office and put it next to Joe’s bed. Daniel came in when we were saying prayers and told Joe that it was pretty cool because he could hear as each second went by to when we’d be closer to Dan coming home. Joe liked that idea. He finally went to sleep and about an hour later Aggie woke him up. She was barking at Dan’s side of the bed thinking he was there and wanting to go to bed with him. So the three of us called it a night and climbed in together. They went to school this morning but I’m glad it’s a long weekend. We can get this show on the road and settle in to our routine after spending some time just relaxing.
Dan called from Kyrgyzstan this morning before we went out to the bus. He’s just waiting for his flight into Afghanistan now.
Oh! Valentine’s Day! Seems like Dan and I both had the same idea. We got each other ipods! lol. I had his fully loaded and ready to go for his trip. I loaded just about our entire CD collection (took me days) and some video podcasts. It’ll keep him entertained on the long trip and his down time. Now I need to work on mine. I’ll download the knitting podcasts to listen to and get the car accessories so I can listen when I’m driving. I knew I’d figure out a way to knit and drive at the same time!
I did start a new knitting project (baby gift) but didn’t get very far. Didn’t think the Polizei would appreciate me knitting on the Autobahn on the way home. lol. I’m sure I’ll finish it this weekend and will post a picture then. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Say a little prayer for our troops, will ya?
Lots of prayers and well-wishes coming from Forchheim!!
And hugs!
Hugs from this Kathleen in NY too! I am here for you if you need to vent.
Hugs to you and the children!
Oh Jean, I’m so sorry that the day finally came.
My thoughts and payers will be with Dan, you and the kids during the next year.
Jean, I’m so amazed at your strength- and the strength of the other families. My family and I will keep you-all in our prayers.
Strong good thoughts and well wishes to you all from Vermont, too. Your story makes my chest go tight.
Jean, I will keep Dan in my daily prayers. Keep up the good work……you are a loving mom! The boys are blessed to have you.
Your post brought tears to my eyes. Some days (or weeks) I get to feeling that I don’t want to go to work or I hate my job. And then your post brings back the reason I work where I do and that even though I’m a small cog in a big wheel, it’s important for men like your husband and you and your sons. It may be a different branch, but it’s important to everyone. Sure, I wish men and women didn’t have to go and fight, but I’m greatful they are there. Thank you to Dan and to you (and all the soldiers and their families)for serving our country. Thank you for this post and reminding me.
Praying for the troops and especially for Dan’s group and their families. Will you be able to keep in touch by email? I hope so.
Jean, just wanted to say my heart and prayers will be with you while Dan is gone. It has to be so hard to send him off like that. I am really thankful thought, that brave men like him volunteer to serve so that I can live safely. You and your family have my deepest respect.
Lovely post. I’ll be holding all of you in my prayers. My best friend’s 21 yo son is on his second tour in Iraq with a stint in Afg. in between.
Knowing your affection for Scotland, here’s a blog you may enjoy http://jeanmiles.blogspot.com/
We’re all here for you, Jean. It sounds like Aggie is there for you guys too. Hugs to you and your family.
Wishing you fortitude and strength through the year, and wishing Dan and his fellow troops safety and strength as well.
I hope this year goes quickly and that everyone comes home safe.
Thoughts and prayers go out to you guys. Tick tick tick. You’re getting closer to a reunion each day…
Lots of hugs and prayers and comfort. We are getting closer to the reunion date :).
I’ll keep all of you in my prayers. The young mom partricularly got to me. We’re not used to this in Canada. Although I grew up in the US with a Navy officer dad, there wasn’t anyting major going on.
Jean, lots of good thoughts for all of you. I’m hoping that this next 365 will pass by quickly and safely.
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated on how you are ALL doing. Please let us know if you’re having a bad day. That way we can send you extra love and encouragment. Thank you to your husband and your family for the sacrifices you’ve made and will make for my freedom. God bless…
Praying for you and all three of your boys. I like the tick of the clock idea.
I hope the year flies by for all of you. Can he be sent home early?
I bet Aggie is a good bed buddy!
I totally feel for you. I know you will get your new routine and the year will fly by.
I just flashed back to when my husband last left for a deployment. I know that all I can offer are good thoughts, well wishes and prayers but I hope the time passes as quickly as it’s able.
Hi Jean-
I have been checking in with your blog,as I knew deployment day was coming. You CAN do this, you have done it before and we are behind you 100%. Whatever you need we are here. I know you do not know me but from a few blog comments and I would be honored if you would consider me part of your knitting FRG. Anything you need- I am here. Seriously. Many hugs and much love- KT
I have to say that I had tears come to my eyes when you talked about Daniel and the clock. To show such strength to his brother is amazing. I wish the best for your family this next year.
Amazing post and just know your Navy family from CA will be thinking of you and your family as well as ALL the families you shared with us!!!
..very interesting about the bandwidth issue..
Hi Jean – lots of prayers and good thoughts for you, Dan and your boys (and Aggie too!) are coming to you from Massachusetts.
Sending you good thoughts, take care.
Godspeed! I’ll add Dan,you, and the boys to my thoughts and prayers. God bless.
Jean, I knew this day was coming and have been dreading it for you all. Daniel is one sweet kid helping Joe. You and Dan are peas and carrots with your ipods. I’ll keep all of you in my prayers.
Hey-I know you have been dreading this for a while-and I know you two have a strength of character that will get you thru this. You are doing it for the family dynasty, which means you can’t be petty and mope. (It’s rough being a woman of strong moral fiber, isn’t it?)
My best to you and the boys-it’s good that Dan has such a loyal fan club. Hope he took his A&M fleece with him!
My thoughts are with you and your family.
…on a side note…MN has introduced a new license plate “Support Our Troops” ($$ goes to families of soldiers), I had planned on getting them tomorrow!!
You know I am there for you. Prayers will be said. Peace be with you.
I’m a former military wife and I remember the stress of dealing with a deployment like that while I was in Germany. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and support and prayers.