
Can’t sleep.  It’s almost 4am here in Germany and I have to get up in four more hours to get ready for our flight.  This happens every time we travel.  I layed there for at least an hour trying to get back to sleep.  Why fight it?

Checked the weather. 

It’s London so it’s pretty much as we expected but it would have been nice to see one little sunshine in there.  At least the temps are balmy compared to here in Bavaria where we’ve been freezing our patooties off all week.  I wish I’d kept the cheap little plastic raincoats we had to buy the boys in Italy.  Handy little things.  Kept the boys bone dry without worrying about an umbrella.

Worked on Dan’s V-neck last night while we watched TV.  I’ll take it along for the three-hour car ride to the airport but I doubt I’ll risk trying to take it with me since we aren’t checking any luggage and the flight is only about an hour and a half anyway.

The bucket hat for Ann at Elann is finished.  It’s Elann’s own Pure Alpaca in color #3727 (the name escapes me). The alpaca felted just as nicely as the Highland Wool always does.

Here it is before I felted it.  The color is much more accurate in the felted photo:

I also cast on this little beauty from Knitting For Baby:

I had some German wool that I bought about six years ago when a store in Würzburg was going out of business.  A friend/neighbor that works in the office at the school is due next month.

I think the Sandman is calling my name.  Maybe I can get a few winks in before it’s too late.  I leave you with a picture of Daniel and Aggie.  She has definitely helped all of us with the loss of Bailey.  An update for those that I didn’t tell via email…  the final diagnosis was a tumor in Bailey’s spleen.  It was about the size of my fist.  One thing we learned is that if your dog starts drinking ridiculous amounts of water… get her to the vet.  It wouldn’t have mattered for Bailey, but in a lot of cases it could help.  See you when we get back from England next week!

9 thoughts on “Insomnia

  1. Sophie says:

    Cute pic! The hat is soo lovely. I never made felting but the “before-after” photos tell me there must be something magic in it.
    Enjoy London! Heaps of tentalizing yarns there…

  2. Garnet says:

    Jean ~ Send some of that rain & snow to New Mexico! We haven’t had rain since some time in the last of November or the first of December! In fact the Friday before Christmas it was 69 degrees! So much thought of a White Christmas! Have a wonderful time on your trip to London! I am so glad that you are taking time during your tour to go & visit places! Have fun & say Howdy to the Queen for me! 🙂

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