I hope all my American friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We went to visit friends in Belgium. They used to live across the street. They’re in a wonderful old Belgian farmhouse that’s huge but very cozy. It took us six hours to drive there but almost twice that to get back because we hit a huge snowstorm in Belgium.
I don’t know about you all, but I’ve found myself without much sit-down time over the past month. It’s just crazy how much there seems to be to do these days. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever catch up. The big time-stealing culprit has been the play that the boys are in at our community theater. They play rats and kids in the Pied Piper. Really cute. Dan and I really got into it. I helped with the sewing of the costumes, keeping all the kids in line back-stage and we even ran the concession stand at the last showing. Tonight is the last rehearsal (to remember everything everyone might have forgotten over the holiday) and then three more shows this weekend and we’re done. I’ll take photos and video tonight during the full-run rehearsal. Joe is the smallest and not the least worried about what the audience thinks when he’s picking his nose or playing with his pants.

During the trip I worked on a few knitting projects. I finished the hat for my little friend, Lucy. I’ll see if I can get a photo of her wearing it. Until then, my dining room chair will have to model it.
This was a fun little knit. It seemed to take forever during the brim knitting. Once that was finished it flew by. The flower only took about half an hour to knit. I can’t wait to see her in it. She has the most beautiful blonde curls and pursed little lips.
The beginning of December means we have about two short months left with Dan before he leaves for Afghanistan. We are making the most of it. He and I are going to Dublin in a couple of weeks for some alone time. We’ll be there three days so if anyone knows of some great wooly things to see, let me know. I’ll get to visit with my friend, Janet. I met her on the Scotland knitting retreat.
For Christmas we are going to Italy. We’ll get to celebrate Midnight Mass with the Pope. It’s a bus trip arranged through the post. It will be a long ride, but we get to do all the Italy traveling we’ve been putting off. We’ll be stopping in Pisa, Florence and Venice with a possible side trip to Capri or Pompeii. The hightlight will be the three days in Rome though. Dan and I have both been before but not together and it was something we really wanted the boys to see before we leave Europe.
For you Aggie lovers (and seriously… who isn’t?), I’m slipping in a couple of photos here. I’m so in love with this dog is ridiculous. She takes my breath away when she just sits and looks up at me. She turned 11 weeks old on Tuesday. She’s already been sitting on command for a couple of weeks now and she started going into her crate when told last night. I was working on “lay down” today. She’s the smartest little thing. Spunky too. She and Bailey love to fight over the felted wool ball I made for Bailey last year (look how Bailey has her “arms” around her puppy. All together now… Awwwww… lol):

Aggie and Bailey are just too cute! I can see that Bailey has made adjustments for her…LOL. Aggie and Kali are just a few weeks apart in age. 😉 I am sooooo envious of your trip to Ireland. I so hope to go there someday!
I love the little hat!! What pattern did you use?
Aggie and Bailey are just too cute! I can see that Bailey has made adjustments for her…LOL. Aggie and Kali are just a few weeks apart in age. 😉 I am sooooo envious of your trip to Ireland. I so hope to go there someday!
I love the little hat!! What pattern did you use?
How can anyone resist those eyes? However will you be able to leave her?
What a wonderful post. Enjoy these times with all your “boys”. However…Aggie is a great way to add some estrogen content to your household! (wink!) The Lucy hat is too cute!
It’s a good thing puppies are so cute;-)
What a doll. You make me puppy hungry but two is enough. Enjoy the snow (we have none) and the puppies, too.
Glad to see new pix of Aggie, take lots they grow up so fast (sprouts included).
She is tooooo stinky cute! So Bailey has a puppy? Love the hat. Good luck on the travel!
I vote for Pompeii over Capri. But I love history. And if you go to Pompeii, you could also visit Naples. I loved living in Naples. And just think of all the knitting time while you are on the bus…
What cute puppyness you have at your house!! Aggie is adorable!
I always love the photos of Aggie, but the ones with Bailey are so sweet. I love that Baily is “cuddling” Aggie. Too cute! I told DH the other day that I wanted a puppy, so fingers crossed.
I envy all your European travel. My husband is military but we probably don’t have much of a chance of going overseas anymore, but Europe was one place I wanted to go. Sounds like you are seeing a lot.
What a sweetie she is!
Great to see everything is ok with you. Sorry I bugged you! If I had realized you still had Dan for two more months, I would have left you two alone 🙂
Your plans sound wonderful.
Happy Holidays!
Want to trade: one large yarn stash for one small puppy. Will pay for puppy shipping to Tennessee. Also willing to take older dog playmate. Will throw in addis, bryspuns, yarn winder, stitch markers and books for both dogs. ;-}
Great hat! So pretty. Enjoy your family time with Dan and the boys and don’t worry about emailing me. I just love to see your posts, Jean.
OMG, she is so cute! I’m def an Aggie lover. Can she come visit?!
I am so so so jealous you are going to Italy. I have been to Rome once and loved it. Just don’t get lost in the Vatican, those Swiss guards don’t have as much humor as you would think. Or maybe they are just mad they are in those outfits (althoug I love them).
Have a wonderful holiday in Italy. I’ve only been to Rome and Florence, but loved both!! It’s hard to imagine not having a good time in Italy. I looked at the photos of your finished projects; how marvelous they are. I recognized some of Elisabeth Zimmerman’s patterns. I live in Elisabeth Zimmerman’s country–Wisconsin! I also recognized some socks from Blackberry Ridge, only 20 miles or so from my home. I
Maybe Aggie and Bailey need matching Black Watch dog coats? :-}