How is it that it’s already January 2006? For our family it means we’re just a few weeks from Dan’s deployment. Counting the time he’ll be away for training, we have about three weeks left. I’m trying to stay positive but I gotta admit… it ain’t easy. I’ve had a couple of breakdowns. Usually when I wake up in the middle of the night and have nothing else to think about. This too shall pass. We’ve been through it before, we’ll get through it this time. It’s just not an easy thing and I’m looking forward to it about as much as someone looks forward to a root canal. In fact, I’d rather have a root canal. 😉 Pfft. I jinxed myself.
Like I said, we’re trying to remain positive and make the best of the time we have. How do we do that? By cramming 2 1/2 years worth of travel into a few weeks. We came home a few days after Christmas. Look what was waiting in the mail for me from my friend, Jessica!

Isn’t it beautiful? I wish you could feel how soft it is. Thank you so much, Jess! There was also a Texas A&M fleece blanket from my Elann pal, Bets. Thank you, Bets!! I’ve met some wonderful friends via the net.

Speaking of A&M… I haven’t shown you a picture of Aggie lately. Here she is at 15 weeks. Tell me how anyone could not love that face? I think you can tell a lot about a person, dog lover or not, who doesn’t at least smile at that. Seriously.
Please say a little prayer for Bailey. She isn’t doing very well. She’s going to the vet today. She’s been really out of it and throwing up for the past two days and today doesn’t seem to be any better. Hopefully it’s nothing a little antibiotics won’t take care of and she’ll be rolling around the floor with Aggie again soon.

Okay… I know you’re dying to hear about our trips. I’ll start with Ireland. Dublin was fun, but it was very busy with the Christmas shoppers and all. I was feeling guilty about not bringing the boys at first, but we would have lost them for sure in all the crowds. They had much more fun staying with our long-time friends than they would have had being dragged around Dublin anyway.

The hotel, The Westbury, was FANTASTIC! We felt very pampered. Everyone should treat themselves to this kind of hotel once in a while. Evening turn-down service complete with complimentary slippers, robes and Godiva chocolates… Aveda (my personal fave) products in the bathroom, beautiful warm decor and a fantastic full Irish breakfast on china and silver with waiters in uniform ready to whisk away your empty plates so you can have room for more. Pure luxury. If you get on-line you can get some great deals. We paid about the same price for this as we are going to pay to stay at a budget hotel in London! Yes… I said London. I’ll get to that later….
The highlight of the trip for Dan was the Guinness Brewery tour and the bus trip to the Wicklow Mountains. Dan’s been a long time fan of Guinness so it was great for him, but I have to admit, I enjoyed the tour also. Very interesting. My favorite part of the trip was the visit to Avoca Handweavers:

You can’t see it in the shot above, but the weaver’s sweater is beautiful. Of course I knew you’d all like to see it so I took a close up.
It’s Ireland so we saw a lot of sheep. I managed to get a few good shots. Even had some made into pretty note cards by Shutterfly. On the last day I got to meet up with my friends, Janet and Ian, from the Spinning Retreat in Scotland a couple of years ago. I wish we could have spent more time together but I’m glad we got to at least meet over coffee at Bewley’s Cafe.
If you’re ever in Dublin and want the best scones ever… just around the corner from the main tourist info in the old church… go to the Keogh’s Cafe on Trinity St (almost on the corner of Dame St). It’s right across the street from the Banker’s Pub. We went back a few times and even grabbed a couple to take on the plane ride back to Germany.
Okay… before I bore you all to death, that’s enough for today. In the next post I’ll tell you about our awesome Christmas surprise in Rome and our upcoming trip to London.
UPDATE: Dan just called from the vet. It’s Bailey’s liver. They took some blood tests but they won’t be back for about a week. They think it’s either cancer or hepititis. My poor girl. Please say a little prayer for her.
It looks like your trip to Dublin was wonderful. I’m sure you are enjoying every minute together before the deployment. I don’t think it gets any easier to have your husband leave for a year, no matter how many times you go through it. Thank goodness for the support of fellow military families, especially so far from home.
I hope poor Bailey will be OK. I’m saying a prayer for her.
I am sooooo jealous! My dream is to someday go to Ireland and your post makes me long to even more. I am so glad that you and Dan have been able to sneak away and spend some alone time.
I am sorry to hear about Bailey. Is is possible that she got into something poisonous, such as antifreeze? Liver problems, many times are due to toxins. I will say a prayer for your little one.
I am so sorry to hear about Bailey. Aggie has one of those faces you just want to smother with kisses.
Ireland looks great! It’s on my list of places I will visit someday if it kills me!
Happy New Year!
What a great trip! I know you had a wonderful time and needed the alone time. Aggie is so cute and I hope Bailey is ok. Happy New Year!
Hi Jean, I was surprised to see a wooden “barn” loom in the Irish photo. When we did a weaving tour of Scotland (mostly Outer Hebrides) All of the looms we saw were the “iron looms”….even in Mary Campbell’s cottage. Thanks for sharing your travels. Each of your posts reminds me to say a prayer for your family.
Thanks for the virtual tour of Ireland! And thank goodness you have your knitting for comfort during this trying time. I hope the year goes fast for you!
I would love to go to Ireland one day. Sounds like you have a great time.
Jean, I’m keeping Bailey in my thoughts. Aggie is a doll! Keep your chin up.
I’m thinking about Bailey too. Bless her heart.
Aggie is still just as cute as ever!
I’m so glad you had a great trip to Dublin. Thanks for posting pictures – a virtual trip! I’m hoping the best for Bailey and Aggie is just too precious.
Aggie is just so precious! And what a fun trip you had! I’m keeping your family (and that definitely includes poor Bailey) in my thoughts. >>warm hugs<<
Aggie is just as cute as can be. I’m so sorry about the news about Bailey. You’re in my thoughts.
Oh no. Poor girl. Hopefully it will be OK.
Aggie’s a beaut!
Now I really want to get to Ireland!! Scones, my favs!!
Hugs to all, and especially to you. Be well.
Great trip to Ireland!! And my prayers are with you for your husband’s deployment. What can we say–our service men and women are heros.
We loved Avoca handweavers–we were big BallyK fans. 🙂 I loved driving over that bridge into town. Sigh. Ireland was one of my favoriet trips.
Sorry to read about Bailey…we will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
My thoughts are with you for both the upcoming deployment of Dan and the health of you precious Bailey. Even after 20 years, the deployments didn’t get any easier. But, stay busy….the time will pass. (easy for me to say right?) Bless you and yours.
Saying prayers for you and yours. Good for you for making the most of your pre-deployment time. And I just read your “About” section. My cousin was at Drum for a long while and loved it. Go 10th Mountain Div!
Welcome back ! Missed you. Poor Bailey. Hope she’s ok. And enjoy these weeks together all of ya.
Your trip looks so wonderful. I’ll be praying for Bailey. My Sophie is in the same situation and it worked out. Just needs a little pill for 6 months. I hope it’s the same for Bailey. I don’t know what caused Sophie’s problem either, but just fyi – they had a problem with toxic food recently made by the Diamond Food Company – don’t know if you saw that, but it was very serious and sounds like similar symptoms.
Here’s the link to the CNN story in case it helps – the toxin is Aflatoxin.
I’ll also be sending positive thoughts and prayers for Dan and your whole family.