The winner of the drawing for the Preemie Project basket goes to…. drumroll please…. Li from Life’s a Stitch! Congrats Li. E me your address and I’ll get the basket off to you.
Thanks to everyone for participating and keep those little knitties going to Laura (Knits for Sanity). It’s a great cause.
It was a long week here. I caught some nasty stomach bug that’s going around our community and was down for the count Monday. It came on strong and fast, but it was over pretty quick too. I was pretty much back to normal by Tuesday afternoon. Did some volunteering at the school and just kept busy in general.
I finished the baby sweater that was giving me hell a challenge and it’s ready for it’s little recipient who’s due at the end of this month. I will never do another textured knit back and forth again unless the back side is just knit or purl. Whew. I think I got into the rhythm of it just as I was finishing the 2nd sleeve.

Here’s a little sky shot for Sandy (Sandy’s Knitting). Dan sent it all the way from Afghanistan. Okay… so it came by email but still… pretty, no?

That sweater may have given you fits, but it turned out great! I love it!
Yes! Thank you so much, Jean, for hosting the contest. I’ll send you my address by e-mail,
The sweater is amazing! But the picture that Dan sent is wonderful! I remember that white stuff! We just haven’t had it here in New Mexico! (This has been the dryest winter on record! Well Blessings!
The Baghram sky is beautiful.
OMG, look at all that snow! And are my eyes fooling me, or is that the bomb dump right below those frosted peaks?
Sometimes I really miss being in the military. Other times I’m glad as hell I’m out.
Oh, and that sweater? I now must knit it! Thank goodness I have the book already and yarn
Man, I never win anything! But Li is a good one for the prize. Love the sky, could do without the bug, and the sweater is darling! Now to catch up on the 6 sweaters I need done by August. At least 2 of them are August, but 4 of them are now!
I’m so happy Li won the basket! You are a dear woman, Jean, with a huge heart.
Wow – breathtaking photo!! Thanks for sharing it.
The sweater is absolutely beautiful – well worth the sweat and toil I hope 😉
Oh, that picture is gorgeous, Jean! Even with the barbed wire fence peeking in! 🙂 The white of the snow against the blue of the sky. I can only hope that the people of Afghanistan can see the beauty!