Lots of knitting going on around here. I cast on a pair of socks for my Gramps for Father’s Day. These are getting leather soles so he won’t have to use duct tape on them! Let’s see you put a hole in these babies, Gramps!! ๐
I showed you the Online ladder yarn I bought the other day. I did a very simple garter stitch scarf on large needles. If this picture doesn’t prove how badly I need a new camera then I don’t know what will: (hint Dan… birthday… two weeks… hint…)

It’s hard to see, so you’ll just have to trust me when I tell you it made such a cool fabric. All slinky and silky and gorgeous color.

I’m just about to the underarms of Dan’s raglan. I’m doing it in the round so the sleeves are next. I’ll show you when I attach them. Then it’ll be time to pull out the reference books since I’m not following the pattern. Who wants to knit a raglan flat with all that seaming. “Not I”, said the wise knitter.
We watched Raising Helen with Kate Hudson the other night.ย Very cute movie.ย I love her.ย There are times when you forget she isn’t Goldie.ย Joan Cusack is preggers in it and knitting on the sofa with her husband one night.ย She makes a remark about how interesting it is that a lot of celebs are knitting now.ย Funny moment that no one else, but a knitter, will appreciate.ย Now I’m hooked on John Hiatt.ย I love the song they played in the movie, “Feels Like Rain”.ย
Yoou have been busy knitting, I am sure Gramps will be happy to have indestructible socks.
Glad you are having a good Mothers Week.
I am converting a Debbie Bliss pattern to circ, plus trying to avoid the bind off shaping. Wish designers would stop assuming we want dumbed down patterns and give us newer methods* of construction. I think the knitters of today are eager for it.
*Actually, aren’t a lot of these methods old? Think Elizabeth Zimmermann.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It’s always fun to know who’s stopping by. Happy birthday in advance! I think you have a good shot at that new camera…afterall, you are almost finished with his sweater.
I’m wondering when you find the time to do all of the wonderful knitting you have been doing. Also how fast do you knit?
I love John Hiatt! My husband and I have loved him since we saw him years ago as the opening act for Robert Cray. We had no idea who he was then, now we see him every chance we get and own all of his recordings. You know, he is more a song-writer than anything and a lot of his songs have been recorded by other artists. It’s always a surprise when I find a song I like is actually his. Knitting looks great, but like a lot of stockinette stitch. And not all on big needles either. Eeeek!
I grew up with a family who love love love loves John Hiatt! (normally I lurk, but one mention of him and I’ll post!) We’ve seen him a few times, and he puts on a great acoustic show. I like some of his older songs better then the things he’s putting out now, but in general it’s hard to go wrong with John Hiatt! (let me know if you’d be interested in a random crazy mix of my favorites!)
Need to share all of your For our Troops info. with my colleague, a Nurse, whose son is in Germany now and set for Iraq in June. She is so scared. I think it will help her to get involved. She says she’ll be ready in June, she’s trying to be in denial now. ๐
The knitting looks great. Lucky Gramps
Wow!! You have been a BUSY girl for sure!!!
I love John Hiatt. Years ago, I saw him concert in Lowell, Ma. He was opening for one of my all time favorite singers, Robert Cray. John’s performance was fabulous!!
Your knitting looks wonderful. What are you making Joe’s sweater from.In the picture it has a wonderful shine, glow. Daryl
i loved raising helen…a) loved the movie, b) love john corbet and c) i’m the daughter of a lutheran minister so it had a special connection to me….just one part i wished they didn’t put in there…the older minster juggling in the classroom…it just didn’t fit for my taste..but the rest…i loved it!
as to knitting…i’ve done several in the round that weren’t orginally written that way…so smart to use your knitting time wisely i say! why spend time seaming when you can knit more things? thanks for the reminder of father’s day…my dad nearly died on the surgical table in feb…he’s certainly earned something special this year!