Author Archives: Jean

Need A Laugh?

Who are we really if we cannot laugh at ourselves.  I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  Brace yourselves, I know it’s hard to accept, but I can be a dork at times.  I know…. it’s hard to believe.  My friends all know it but are kind and let it slide.  I have good friends.

One of the benefits of being in the military is the opportunities that we’ve had to travel to places we might never have gotten to see otherwise.  This summer we wanted to do something different.   We’ve seen pretty much all of Europe.  We decided on Egypt.  It was Dan’s idea, not mine.  I was skeptical at first, but after contacting the State Department and being told it was safe I thought it’d be a terrific experience for Daniel and Joe.  Let me add a tourism note here…. NEVER go to Egypt in July!!! It was 120 degrees and the only AC was in our room at the resort and on the bus we took to Cairo and Giza.  We couldn’t even go through the museum in Cairo because Joe was passing out from the heat.  We ended up sitting outside for two hours talking to some Egyptian students while waiting for our tour group.

In my rush to pack, I grabbed my “Knitters” magazine thinking what a great shot I could get to send in.  After coming out of one of the Pyramids we got the boys back on the bus and then we went out to take the “Knitters” photo.  The tour guide had warned us not to accept anything anyone was selling or to let them take our photo until we were clear on a price.  As soon as we got off the bus there were two men there asking us to get on their camel for a photo.  As I was saying no one of them lifted me onto the camel as the other one wrapped a towel around my head.  I was telling them to let me off and Dan yelled, “Just go with it! It’s a great shot”  Yea.. he wasn’t the one six feet off the ground against his will.  I played the trooper, held up the magazine and smiled.  Here’s the photo Dan took:

Great photo, huh?  Look a little closer:

Yes, my name is Jean and I’m a complete dork.

What’s sadder is that I didn’t realize what I’d done until I went looking in the magazine for the address to Knitters to send in the photo.  At least I realized it before I actually sent it in.

In my defense, the knitters that did see the photo didn’t pick up on it.  Either that or they were just being kind.  So there, I’ve outed myself.  Now you know, I’m a dork.

When I posted the photo yesterday of the snow I know there were those saying, “Heck, that ain’t snow!”  Well, take a gander at what we woke up to this morning: