I promised progress photos of the Elaine beaded change purse from Purse Paradise. The kit came with a hank of size 11 beads, pearl cotton and the clasp:
First order of business is getting the beads from the hank on to the pearl cotton. This is done by gently pulling one end of a strand of beads out of the hank. Start tying a knot in the thread at the end of the strand but don’t pull it yet. Slide the end of the pearl cotton through it until there are about 5″ past the knot. Thank God for digital cameras because I’m obviously horrible at explaining things like this (click on the photo for a clearer view):
Then you pull the knot closed and start CAREFULLY sliding the beads from the thread to the pearl cotton:
After sliding the beads on to the pearl cotton I slide them little by little down the length of it till I have a strand with no beads so I can start knitting. I wind the beads around a paper towel tube (you can see this in the last photo) to help keep them from getting tangled. Every now and then I have to slide them all down again to have a blank piece of cotton to knit with.
Knitting the beads in is the easy part. Actually being able to **see** the beads is the hard part. All you do is slide the correct number of beads (per the pattern) in between two stitches. From here I would just knit the next stitch.
Here’s how far I was last night about an hour into pulling the kit out of the bag:
Here’s how far I got last night before I went to bed:
I’ll post again when I have it finished.