Don’t you just love it when something just comes together?! The partially knitted sweater back I showed you yesterday worked out great for a sweater for Aggie! I snipped a thread inside two of the diamond cables, picked up stitches and did a couple rows of ribbing. Presto! Leg holes! I added ribbing around the top for a neck and stitched the sides together into a seam!
As you can see we got lots of snow yesterday. We did a little sledding today. The snow was a little deep in spots for Aggie so she got to ride in style:

Aggie is adorable!! I have a new pup and can’t believe it but have been knitting for a dog!! See this post: http://kniticity.blogspot.com/2006/02/people-who-knit-for-dogs-are-crazy.html
That turned out so nice – Aggie is a lucky girl. 🙂
I love how you morphed the knit into Aggie’s sweater. Aggie is styling!
Beautiful pictures of all the snow.
Adorable…that was just serendipity and Aggie is getting big, she’s so cute! Looks like the boys had fun too! :o)
Super cute! Aggie has a nicer sweater than I do 🙂
Aggie is so cute,she is turning into a real little Lady now. She got that royalty look on her face. I like what you did with the sweater. I knit for my dogs too (and they never complain about colors – patterns or any mistakes I make).What I do on the backend is sew a little elastic into the yarn to keep it snug. You can also make a crochet loop that will fit over her tail to keep it from sliding up her back.
Now that’s a great example of turning lemons into lemonade. What a cute doggie sweater!
Nice to see that your family’s enjoying some winter fun. I’m thinking of you all this week. Thanks to Dan (and your whole family) for his service and sacrifice.
How cute! Almost like it was meant to be. Beautiful snowy views… Thanks for sharing!
omg…love it and her!!
I love it! Who else deserves a hand knit sweater but that sweetie! Now the whole family has a handknit.
Aggie’s extra adorable in her handknitted sweater. What a lucky pup! Is she feeling all now?
Cute, cute, cute!!!!!
OMG, she is ADORABLE! But you knew that already!
I love how she gets to ride on the sled… precious!
Aggie is just too beautiful! It’s a precious picture with your 3 men and Aggie on the sled. I hope she’s back to her normal puppiness.
WHAT FUN! From the sledding to the priceless dog sweater that has SO much style to the story about the CD you received..I’m cheering for him, too!!!!!That was awesome..
Hey, it worked! And, she doesn’t seem to mind wearing it…probably glad for the extra warmth.
The Cute Factor is very high on that one!! What a lucky Aggie to have such a clever knitter nearby 🙂
Well that’s a beautiful doggy coat, I bet she was lovely and warm. Disney likes to come inside and roll about in hers when we’re done walking, almost impatient to try and get it off (do you think she’s trying to tell me something?)
Very clever, Jean! When I first saw the photo of Aggie in the sweater, I thought, “How did she rip back that other sweater and knit up a dog sweater with cables so quickly?” Very resourceful, chicklet. And the photos are beautiful.
You win a gold medal for making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear–not that your unfinished sweater was an ugly sow’s ear, but that was the only saying that came to mind!
I would seriously wear that dog sweater if I could!