It’s been a roller coaster week. Bailey spent a couple of nights at the vet clinic on post while we waited for her blood test results because she needed to be on IV. When Dan took her in we had no idea it was as bad as it was. We were hoping that it was just an infection that could be fixed. It took a day longer for the blood tests to come back. We went to visit her each day. They finally came on Friday. She had hepatitis, we just didn’t know what caused it.
The military vet referred us to a German specialist for an appointment this morning for an ultrasound hoping that it was “just” gallstones. We were going to pick her up on the way this morning but the vet called last night. Bailey had blown her catheter and she couldn’t get it back in because Bailey’s blood was clotting too much. She said there was nothing more she could do for her and we might as well let her have a night at home before we took her to the specialist.
It was a long night. I woke up several times expecting to find she’d already passed away and a few times because she kept getting sick. I’m glad we got to have her for a bit though here at home. She laid in her favorite spot along side the sofa while we watched TV and it almost seemed like everything was back to normal.
We got to the German vet this morning and as soon as she looked at the blood test she gave us the bad news. Her kidneys and most of her other organs were badly damaged and it was best to just put her down instead of letting her suffer any longer. She did an x-ray and found a large tumor or mass (it was hard to understand her english) just under Bailey’s kidneys.
I held my girl and sobbed while they put her to sleep and we told her that we loved her and would miss her. It was one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever done but I’m glad I stayed. When she was gone she finally had a look of peace on her face after all week of being in severe pain. We are actually slightly relieved because she is comfortable at last. We pretty much knew this was going to be the outcome but had a glimmer of hope for her.
The boys took the news pretty well. We all cried and talked about how she’s with our Blue Heeler, Dallas, now and they’re taking care of each other and how Bailey was so sick and in so much pain it wasn’t fair to her. They were prepared for it all week so I think that helped. It also helps having Aggie around. She makes us all smile.

We had 5 1/2 good years with our girl. The pictures above are from a scrapbook I did shortly after we rescued her from the pound in Clarksville, TN. They were going to put that adorable dog to sleep the next day. When we took her to the vet that day, he told us she was very sick and that we could take her back for another dog or get our money back. It’d only been a few hours but we’d already bonded with her and we couldn’t do that to her. Three weeks later we got back a healthy dog that has been a good friend to our boys.
I took this one on the right and the one below within the last year or so. I’m glad we have pictures to remember her by. She’ll be missed but I’m glad she’s not suffering anymore.

Jean, I’m so sorry… 🙁 I love the picture of Bailey with baby Joseph – it looks like they are both laughing.
She was a precious member of your family, I am so sorry for the pain you guys are experiencing. Take time and heal, no need to respond, you have more important things to do.
Jean, I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to say good bye to a dear companion….very hard, but it sounds like it was the kinder decision for her.
Hugs to you and the kids!
I’m so sorry for your loss. Bailey was a very lucky puppy to have found such a wonderful family to make her last few years happy ones. We adopted Max from the pound, and like Bailey he was a very sick boy. The vet told us to bring him back and get a “good” dog. But we were in love and there was no turning back. We’ve had him for almost 4 years now and I can’t imagine life without him.
I’m so sorry…
I’m so sorry, Jean. *Hugs* all around.
Oh Jean, I’m so sorry about dear Bailey. She had a wonderful family and you all had a loving friend, I know you’ll miss her terribly. We’ve had several dogs that we rescued and somehow they are more endearing because they are just so happy to be loved. Thank goodness she found you just in time to have a happy life with lots of love and companionship.
I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. At least you know that she is at pesce now.
I’m so sorry for you and your family! What great pictures of Bailey, her personality leaps out of the photos at you! I volunteered in animal rescue for awhile and am always thankful when dogs get families like yours. Take care, Tori
She looks like she was a wonderful friend and family member. I’m sorry for your loss. Best wishes to you.
So very sorry.
Absolutely heart-wrenching, but you made the right decision for her. She obviously was well-loved and that is something we should all be so lucky to have.
So sorry — I’m thinking about you guys.
Oh Jean, I am so sorry. I’m just heartbroken for you and your family. I’ll be keeping you in my prayers.
I remember the vet’s words to me were “you are doing this for your pet”…yes but it still is the hardest thing in the world I think. My thoughts to you and your family. (((((hugs)))))))
Oh, Jean, I am so sorry for your loss! Bailey was a beautiful dog and you were so lucky to have found him! Imagine all the happiness you gave each other!
Sending hugs!
Jean – my heart goes out to you and your family. Those wonderful years that you had with Bailey will never be forgotten – and what fun for her in doggie heaven – to get to play with other greatly loved dogs.
Jean, I’m so sorry for your loss of Bailey. As difficult as it is to lose her, at least she isn’t in pain any longer. You enjoyed your time with her and now have many memories to remember her by. My heart goes out to you and your family. Take care.
Jean, I’m very sad to hear Bailey was so sick. She was fortunate to have all the good years she did with your family and I know she’s in Doggy Heaven thinking fondly of you all.
So sorry for your loss. She looked like such a sweet dog.
I’m so sorry to hear about Bailey. We lost our very first dog at 5 1/2 to an illness, and I still remember the disbelief that she could have gotten sick enough to actually die, when we loved her so much, and took her to the vet promptly . . . but sometimes, that’s all the time you get. The important thing is to make the most of it, and try to concentrate on looking back on all the special, wonderful things that made Bailey such an important part of the family. My sincere condolences.
I am so sorry. Except for the coloring, her face is exactly like our Ben’s. We lost a dog in the last several months, and it is so sad. I hope she and Dallas are having a good time togheter.
I’m so sad that things worked out this way, and I hope that you and the boys are doing okay. I am glad that you stayed with her until the end; it’s such a special, loving gesture for a dear member of the family and you will never regret it as difficult as it was. The scrapbook pages are adorable, thank you for sharing those. (hugs)
I am so sorry…hugs to you all.
Such sad news, I’m so sorry to hear it.
Your post had me crying with you. We lost our beloved Doberman, Karma, about the same time last year. It isn’t easy. I am sure you gave her a wonderful, happy life and she will live on in your memories.
Jean, I’m so terribly sorry for you and your family. What a hard, hard week for all of you. Bailey was lucky to have you-all, and it sounds like you were lucky to have had her as well.
What a sweet dog!! Your family handled the situation with great love and care. Our beloved cat died in our arms, having been put to sleep due to many problems. We all cried and still talk about him as if he were one of the family–which he was. We now have another beloved cat, whom we love as much as the other.
Oh Jean – I’m so sorry. I could never imagine losing such a dear pet. But it is good to know that she is no longer in pain. That picture of her in the sweater is so sweet! Best wishes.
Oh Jean, I am so very sorry that you have to go through this now. Your plate is full enough. I still miss my “guy’s” and it has been a year since we put them down. I know that you will miss her very much but she is no longer suffering.
Oh, Jean-
I know how hard that was to do. As difficult as it was, she did her doggie best for you, and you did your people best for her. It sounds like she was plopped into your home for a reason.
Hugs to you, Dan and the kids-
Jean, I am so sorry for your loss. You and Bailey were in my thoughts and prayers all night. And I know that to make that decision is one of the hardest things to do. Hugs to you and yours.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I am a dog person, and I know how hard this hurts. What a year it’s been for you, Jean. I hope things look up soon.
I’m so sorry Jean! I love the tribute you wrote. Do check out http://petloss.com for the supportive message board. You can write a tribute and get Bailey’s name on the list for the Monday candle ceremony.
Take good care of yourself now. I know how incredibly hard this is.
Jean, I am so sorry to hear your sad news, your family pictures of Bailey are so precious, take care.
Pets aren’t just animals, they’re part of the family. I’m so sorry you had to let her go. Even though it was the best thing for Bailey, it’s still not easy. Hugs for you and your family. Aggie too.
This is always so sad – I couldn’t help but spread some tears at reading your post. I know this period is tough on you and my thoughts go to you across the ocean. Big hugs.
Jean, I’m sorry for your loss. I think that pets are especially hard to loose as you inevetibly become every connected with them. I’m glad that she found a place with your family. *hugs*
Big hugs Jean! No words can help at this most difficult time. Just remember – the paws that have walked across our heart grow into our wings which make ‘solo’ flights easier.
Jean & Family ~ Our Sadie Louise sends her doggie prayers for you and your family at the loss of Bailey. Mom & My prayers are with you too!
What a beautiful tribute to a family member who will be missed. Your love for her really comes through,
Jean, I’m so very sorry for your loss.
Jean, I’m so sorry- it is so hard to lose a pet! She was lucky to have been rescued by such a loving family… and it looks like your family was lucky to have been blessed with such a sweet dog.
Bailey was very much family and nobody can replace her. Really sorry, at least she’s at peace. Pets are so special.
I’m sorry there was nothing that could be done to help Bailey get well. Glad you had some time with her near the end.
Oh, Jean–this just rips me up. I am so sorry about Bailey. I remember when you lost Dallas, too. It brings back memories of losing our golden retriever, Abigail, too. It really is amazing how they become such a part of the family and how missed they become when they’re gone. We’re thinking of you and the boys–love you.
Oh Jean, my heart aches for yall. I’m so sorry, but at least she is out of pain. And, at least you could be there with her. I’m thinking about you.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I’m so glad you had some time with her and were able to be with her until the end. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of her. She’ll be missed. Much love to you and all your boys.
My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Bless you for taking such good care of your Bailey.
Jean, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad that your family got to spend some quality time with her before the end.
You gave her such a good life with you. That should bring you a lot of peace in the coming days. I hope it gets better.
I’m so sorry…
I found your site through Dell’s Diner and had to comment.
We lost our Lucy (10 yr. old Eng. Bulldog), just last March.
We are still hurting…
I’m crying right now reading your post {{{{{HUGS}}}}}….Bailey was (still is) beautiful and she was so lucky to have a family like you with all the love….my Sally (my pug who passed as I sobbed over her Aug before last) is playing with her right now at Rainbow Bridge..she will show her around and to her favorite spot! Oh, hon, I’m feeling for you it IS so hard I know…they are our furry family …
Jean, I’m so very sorry for your loss.