In yesterday’s comments Manise suggested why not have a hat drive on my blog. I was worried about stepping on anyone’s toes that’s already doing one but she’s right. It would mean more hats to those that need them and isn’t that the goal, after all. NYC is a big place and there is a great need.
I’ll collect hats (mostly adult sizes needed) until mid December and then deliver them to Coalition for the Homeless in the city. I spoke with Juan from the organization’s Grand Central Food Program (click on the link and read “Robbie’s Story” in the right sidebar). Juan said that they could hand out the knitted goods as they were doing their mobile soup kitchen that has 31 stops throughout Manhattan and the Bronx each night. At first I thought about contacting shelters but these are the folks that really need them. The ones that are out in the cold. So c’mon!
It doesn’t have to just be hats either…. I’m sure they’d love mittens, gloves, scarves… whatever you feel like knitting. If you aren’t involved with another charity knitting program here’s your chance. Or even if you are…. what’s one more hat? I’m also going through my sweaters that I’ve knit that I never wear.
When all is said and done I’ll do a drawing for the prizes. For each item you send in, your name goes in the… er… hat. lol. I don’t know yet what all the prizes will be. We’ll see what kind of response I get, but there’ll be yarn and fiber for sure and this one:

Yes. It’s the Birch Shawl knit in Kidsilk Haze. So get your needles out and cast on! My email link is up in the left sidebar under the Saving Lucky button. On all the feeds put together I have over 225 subscribers. If just 1/4 of you knit one hat I’ll be elated.
Are you double-dog daring me to knit a hat? 🙂 You’re on!
I am in! I know that I can get a couple of hats knocked out even with all of the other charity knitting that I am doing. I love that these hats will make it to the people on the streets, not just the people that make it into shelters. Thank you so much for organizing this.
I think I can get a hat or two done by then.
Your Birch is beautiful! Hats off to you Jean doing the drive. I often think of the homeless at this time of year.
I’m in. Just finished mittens for A4A. Would you rather wool or cyrillic? I have both, but mostly wool. I will see if I can get dd to pull out her hat loom.
WOW Jean, your Birch Shawl in KSH???? I think I swooned when you finished that. It’s beautiful.
Don’t think you are stepping on anyone’s toes by having this drive. Charities are not competition, and if anyone thinks that, they have a problem. Prizes are very nice, though! I love the fact that it is for the homeless, the forgotten lot, right here in the USA.
WOW Jean, your Birch Shawl in KSH???? I think I swooned when you finished that. It’s beautiful.
Don’t think you are stepping on anyone’s toes by having this drive. Charities are not competition, and if anyone thinks that, they have a problem. Prizes are very nice, though! I love the fact that it is for the homeless, the forgotten lot, right here in the USA.
What? Me knit a hat?
Lemme see what I can do!
Can I get an address to mail to? My kids did their community service project early this year as we were antsy before daddy’s deployment ended. I have several things we can send to you.
I’m in! Perfect timing, with my hat phase! 😉 Would you pop your address into an email.
Sign me up!
I am happy to add a few skeins of yarn into the prize kitty and knit a hat too 🙂
I will, I will! I can definitely get one or two done by mid-November.
OMG – that’s such a noble cause. Count me in. Plus, I’d love to help you deliver them. Just let me know the date. I’d better get busy knitting some hats. I’ll contribute some Knit Notes as prizes, too. I’ll email you a photo offline.
I am currently on a hat and scarf roll — I think I can whip out a couple by mid-December. Where do we sent them?
I was reading Norma’s blog (who doesn’t?) and she directed me to you. What a great idea. I will knit four in honor of my brother and his family who live in NYC.
I was reading Norma’s blog (who doesn’t?) and she directed me to you. What a great idea. I will knit four in honor of my brother and his family who live in NYC.
I was reading Norma’s blog (who doesn’t?) and she directed me to you. What a great idea. I will knit four in honor of my brother and his family who live in NYC.
I’ve got a couple of hats ready to send right now and can add a pair of mittens or two if I set aside my unfinished gnome for a few days. I know first-hand how cold it is in NYC tonight!
Wonderful. Where do I send them?
I have a few hats to go to a good cause; where do I send them?
I was reading Wendy’s blog. Thanksgiving week is a perfect time to knit a few hats and try a pair of mittens. Back at you with the goodies soon. This is wonderful of you to coordiante such a huge effort! There will be many warmer people because of your efforts. Thank you.
please send mailing address – and I’ll pass the word at Knit Knight. My Dad’s family is from NY, think this will be part of his hand-made christmas. Thanks.
Wool only; mixed? Acrylic? What is best? I’d love to contribute…
I saw this link on Wendy Knits. As Big Apple Knitters Guild has a charity knitting meeting each December, I’ve posted a link to your website and I’m asking our members to join with you in making items.
Please contact me off-line if you’d like to discuss how else we can help.
Best regards,
Raye Schwartz
Big Apple Knitters Guild
Really really excellent idea. I’ve done hats for Salvation Army in Kansas City for years. Acrylic/synthetic. They want yarn that can be machine wash and dry. Salvation Army here in KC will give out one hat a day to anyone who goes in and requests one. Homeless have nothing and usually can’t get to facilities to wash clothes. Giving out hats, gloves and scarves with food is just wonderful. I started the habit of knitting plain hats by way of a yarn shop that used to acquire yarn donations. They would provide yarn and a basic pattern for hats. And take the finished hats year round. They used to post a list of those who donated the most each year.
Me too! I am almost done with my holiday knitting and could knit a couple for sure!
What is the address? I have some hats in my stash right now!
Please send me the address for the hats. I think I could send a few. Thanks, Lisa
I have two hats that I can send as well. Just waitin’ for the address 🙂
I think I can get finish a couple.
If you are getting more hats than you feel you can deliver, I’ll offer my address as another place to send the hats. I live in Manhattan, so one step of the journey would be eliminated. Let me know what you think.
Either way, I’ll be working on some hats this week.
What is the deadline for this? What yarns are ok to use? Where do I send a hat?
I’d like to send a hat or two if you’re still colllecting
What address do I send?