I couldn’t resist the Humpty Dumpty in the new Spin Off. When I was a little girl I had a big Humpty that I slept with. In my mind he was big but I was about four then so who knows. I was living with my Gram in New Hampshire at the time and I remember Humpty being an issue with my Aunts because he took up too much bed space. It was usually my Aunt Ruthann that let me sleep with her. Don’t know if it was because she was so kind about it or if it was because she was the youngest of the girls (she’s only six years older than me). Probably a little of both. At the time my Grandfather was the Fish & Game Warden in Center Ossipee. The house was at the top of the hill and at the bottom were the large tanks for the fish that he used to restock the lakes and ponds. I think my Humpty was drained out of one of those tanks many years later.
My new Humpty looks a little more like a huge Smiley face with arms and legs but I like the little bow tie he’s sporting.
Your Humpty looks alot happier, but where’s his eyebrows?
Love Humpty!
I think Charles has at least one student on Strattera. I’ll ask him about it when he gets in to see how the student(s) do in class. Or I’ll aks him and be wrong, because I am guilty of nodding and not listening sometimes…Bri
I’m not sure where to find your email address. My son is on Strattera. He has been for about 2 years. You can contact me if you like. I’ll be happy to share iformation with you.
You’re such a good mom. Your boys are so lucky. All of them. You done good.
The Humpty sure is cute!
I hadn’t checked your blog in awhile and am really sorry for all the worries you’ve been going through. Knitting certainly isn’t a total panacea, and looking at everyone’s beautiful projects makes one forget that there is a real life behind there too with struggles and sorrows.
About Daniel, all I can relate is the story of my older son, now 16, who always was different, both learning-wise and socially. It was a real struggle getting him through elementary school, and I’m sure he was bullied a lot, since he was (and still is, somewhat) noncommunicative, I only knew the times I actually saw it happening. Michael is now doing all right in high school, though there were times when I really doubted the outcome. I’m sure you know that just being there for your kid is the most important thing, and they can surprise you with their unique strengths and resilience.
I am hoping that Jeremy will be home safe and sound for good soon!
BTW, those cables on the back of your cardigan are outstanding (pun intended :-))!
You have an interesting blog. I love your knitting and travels. Have you read Greta’s blog (http://gretaknits.typepad.com/lifelong_knitter/)? She has two children with Asperger’s Syndrome that are college age now and may be able to help you. Good luck with all your kids.
Cute looking Humpty. 🙂 Glad to hear about Daniel’s doctor appt. I have heard good things from other parents about Strattera. The only other med I know used with kids on the spectrum is Risperdol. I don’t know if that would be of any benefit to Daniel.
Love the Humpty. I thought this was so cute too… I have to make this one myself. I think he turned out great. Rose
humpty dumpty is one of my favorites. I have been looking for a good soft toy pattern for one for years but they all look a little frightening. yours is just too cute!!!