I’m Thick

I hab a cold, throat hurtths and my thinuthes are thtuft up.

My favorite tea cup and some Echinacea tea with honey was in order last night.  I was feeling pretty bad yesterday and this morning.  Feeling much better tonight though.  Still achy.  Dan has the exact same thing and we’re 3,000 miles apart.  Go figure.  So I slept most of the day today (which is HUGELY unusual for me – I am not a sleeper) and when I wasn’t sleeping I was on the couch knitting.  I cast on the socks that I wound the yarn for the other day.  I’ll let you know how I like the two socks on two circs deal.  The jury is still out and I’m trying to give it a fair trial.  It’s just new and fumbly to me right now.

I love how the thin green line formed a kind end of toe thingie… bob… macjigger… duhicky…. what’s that called anyway?

Okay.  The Nyquil’s hittin’ hard.  Time to go find the Sandman….

21 thoughts on “I’m Thick

  1. Devon Hanna says:

    Hey there hope you are feeling better,,Let me know about the 2 socks on a circular I want to learn how to knit socks this year and I am leaning toward that way,,,keep drinking the tea,,,

  2. Stacey says:

    Love the mug, love the sock yarn. I’ve recently just tried the magic loop and feel ..meh… about it. I’m sure I’ll like it better once I use it more.

  3. Christine says:

    Jean, sorry to hear you’re not feeling better ~ hope that cold goes away quickly! I’m going to learn to knit socks one of these days, and God knows, I won’t be doing them on DPNs ~ those just make me crazy. So, here’s hoping your method works well for you. If so, there’s hope for me!

  4. jayne says:

    Poor you…hope you feel better soon. Mmm…the socks are looking good so far. I am WAY too clumsy to attempt the two on two thing. I’ll stick to my humble DPN’s thanks.

  5. Alison Jacobson says:

    I’m knitting two socks at once using Magic Loop right now (my preferred method for knitting toe-up singletons), but I think I could make the process go a lot faster on two circs. Which is weird for me, since I”m not a big 2 circs for socks kind of gal.
    Can you please post what yarn you’re using for your socks? I heart the colorway!

  6. Kim says:

    You will have to teach me how to do not only 2 socks at once but from the toe up :-).
    I hope you are feeling better soon!

  7. janet says:

    I had the very same at Christmas time when we were in Connecticut. Now it’s come back in milder form here in Dublin. These bugs travel the world!!

  8. bets says:

    Did you have trouble witha the wind? I was looking at photos on SWR, and they were saying this storm was worse than the one in 1990.

  9. CatBookMom says:

    Since you have Traditional Medicinal’s Echinacea tea, get some of their Throat Coat. Best I’ve ever found for sore, scratchy throats; it worked even when I smoked 2+ packs of cigarettes a day. Just keep a cup at hand and sip it for most of the day.

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