We made it through the halfway point of the deployment! The rough patch is behind us and everything is looking up now. The boys and I took Dan back to the airport on Wednesday morning for his flight back to Afghanistan. There were lots of tears but we’re back to “normal” deployment routine and ready for the next five months or so to fly by. This picture was taken last week on Fair Isle. One of the local dogs greeted us as we walked North from the South Lighthouse.
School starts on Monday. Joe starts soccer practice the same day and Daniel starts Tae Kwon Do in a month. It’ll start looking like Fall in a couple of weeks, the Holidays will soon be upon us and before you know it, Dan will be home again.
The new Agent taking Dan’s place here at the office has finally arrived. He and Dan were in Warrant Officer school together and have been good friends since. I met his wife at their graduation but didn’t really remember her. She’s terrific. So are their three boys who are all around Daniel and Joe’s ages. Their oldest and Daniel will be in class together. Yes, things are definitely looking up. I’m in much better spirits than I was a few months ago when I had the wind knocked out of me and my self confidence took a nose dive. Dan sat me down when he got home and made me remember who I am. He tried over the phone but it was a lot different and much more convincing with his arms around me. No wonder I like that guy. 😉
Dan came home five days after the family left. He was a day late because he got held up in Kuwait but they extended his leave by a day so that was okay. He was home for a few days before we left for Shetland. What a great trip that was. I’ll share pictures bit by bit. I took about 300 of them so it’s going to be tough choosing. Fair Isle was magical. We just flew in for the day on an itty bitty eight-seater plane. You could see the whole island as we approached the tiny little runway. I’ll fill you in on everything as I share the pictures. Here are a few to keep you in suspense for a couple of days:

Glad to hear that you’re in better spirits. It’s so hard when you can’t be with your best friend everyday. Now that fall’s upon us, I’m sure those last five months will fly by!
Jean…it’s good to see your post. Yea for being on the downhill bits of life. 🙂
Keep this post to read later. I certainly lifted my spirits with its energy! Along with your circumstances, fall does have a way of bringing great expectations with it.
Best wishes..
It’s so good to hear that you are all doing better, and the deployment is halfway over! It looks like you had a wonderful trip to Fair Isle. The pictures are beautiful. Good luck to you and the boys with the beginning of school. Take care.
What a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing. Dan and the boys look really good. I love the picture of you and the boys. Praying for a safe and fast five months.
Hi Jean,
So glad to hear that your family is doing well and to see how much the boys have grown. Looking forward to seeing more pictures from your trip. Any yarn purchases?
Terrific pictures. Looks chilly (brrr!). So beautiful. Glad to hear you are weathering the changes. Aloha:)
I hope the next 5 months fly by for you. THe Fair Isle pictures are beautiful. I really need to get myself to Scotland for an extended trip.
So happy to see a post. Glad that you are doing well and that you are on the backside of the deployment.
Great pictures!! So glad to get some news from you and can’t wait to hear the rest 🙂
Great to see you back and oh my, I completely understand about the “struggling” with who I am part of your post. It has been that kind of a summer here, too. Here’s to a better year, eh?!! :_)
Your pictures of the Island are INCREDIBLE! I so hope someday to get back over to Europe. Hugs to Aggie!
OK – deep breath. Lots of positive thoughts and prayers coming your way. I love the family shots. God bless you and your boys for being so strong for each other and for our country. God bless Dan for what he’s doing for our country. The sacrifices you’re all making are amazing.
On to a positive knitting note. WOW! You’re at Fair Isle – that must be knitter’s paradise. I’m a bit envious as I’m starting some Fair Isle sweaters now (although I took a break to get some instructions).
God bless and Happy Knitting,
So good to hear from you Jean! Here’s praying that the next 5 months will fly by.
Oh your pictures of Fair Isle are magical! I wish we had made it to some of the islands on our trip. They just look amazing!
So glad to see the whole family together again!
I know you enjoyed every minute of it. Fair Isle looks like the perfect place to catch up on those days spent apart. Love the pictures!
Hey Jean-
I sent Dan a “redeployment” box last week, so my timing was just right. It was just a bunch of goofy madness from the Dollar Store. I am sure a prank or two will come out of it. I sent it via slow boat, so it should be there next week.
I am glad to see the vacation photos, and glad to hear you guys are holding tight, like Super Glue.
You are a very strong lady, I can’t even imagine what you and your family are going through. My thoughts are with you and may the next 5 months be safe and fast.