
Something’s going on…  First it was Nilda (Waltzing Natilda)…  then Annie (Knitty Gritty) pointed us to Carissa (Knitting Maniac)…  Lace is definitely in the air.  It is the perfect warm weather knitting project.

Nilda was asking me about Spanish lace knitting patterns just a couple of days ago (if you have any info, please contact her!).  I have quite a lace library because I was really into it a few years ago.  I met Katy’s (Katy Knits) mom, Sue, on the Lace List.  So anyway… I go looking for my lace knitting books and German lace magazines for Nilda and I can’t find them!!!  Then I’m reading my bloglines this morning and Annie had posted about Carissa’s beautiful lace.  Now my fingers are itching.  Did I mention I can’t find my lace stuff?!  I’m in a semi-panic.  I still have a box to check in the garage, but I can’t imagine me leaving knitting things in the garage!  I’ve done weirder things, so who knows….

I knit this one about five years ago.  It’s in serious need of blocking.  I just found it in my china hutch. It’s the same one that Carissa is working on, the Madeira!  Too funny.  I don’t remember where the pattern is… probably in one of the magazines that I can’t find….  Anyone??

I used to volunteer to order the Diana lace magazines from Germany for the lace list so that we could all split the shipping from Germany.  Eugene Beugler (yes, the same one that designed Dayflower Daydream from Best of Shawls and Scarves as well as other gorgeous creations – very nice man, by the way) contacted me when we were stationed here the last  time asking for help in obtaining some German lace patterns and was the first to tell me about the Diana magazines.  I haven’t seen them since we got here a year and a half ago.  Crocheted lace seems to be big here now.  At any rate, as a thank you gift, Eugene knit this gorgeous doily for me out of a tencel thread.  It’s as gorgeous to the touch as it is to the eye and one of my most prized possessions.

Dan made a trip to Russia for a Personal Security (think body guard) mission for Cohen was he was the Secretary of Defense (around 1998).  While there, he found a small shop that sold the Orenburg shawls.  He called me that night to tell me so I got him to go back to the shop to buy some for other lace-listers.  I don’t remember how many but it was at least ten.  There was an old woman in the shop actually knitting the shawls.  She hugged Dan with tears in her eyes when he came back and purchased the others.  Dan learned some Russian courtesy of the Army and he still remembers how to say Orenburg Shawls in Russian. lol.  I have a black one and a white one.  Here’s a close-up shot of the white one:

16 thoughts on “Lacey

  1. Kathleen says:

    I don’t know if that is like the same kind of lace I purchased for my mom when I lived in Alaska but it certainly looks quite similar. The town I lived in, Sitka, had been the capital of Russian America. It is so gauzy and wonderful. Your other doilies are goregous. I will never forget the red doily my mom knit. She is such a kook with all that effort and that non-traditional color. 🙂 I don’t think I have the patience.

  2. amanda says:

    beautiful shawl! how lucky you are to have such a precious item. and your madeira piece is amazing … i’m just starting to get the lace bug but am having fun with it.

  3. TAMARA says:

    Wow, that’s really special and that lady must have been so flattered. Beautiful lacework too, Jean, yours I mean.

  4. Chris says:

    Oh, so jealous! All of them are gorgeous. I too am tempted. It might be a good summer thing, but first I have to wade through 5 sweaters on the needles. Or at least I should!

  5. Jayne says:

    Fabulous posting. Tell us more, show us more … can’t get enough. Amazing work ! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wool Winder says:

    I am completely impressed by how hard and tedious this looks. I thought…”I can’t do that!”. And, then I went to Carissa’s site, linked to the free patterns and thought…”Maybe I can.”. Patterns are now bookmarked.

  7. Nilda says:

    Gorgeous. Wow. Do your talents never end? Mmmmm. Are these in linen or cotton? Love the Beugler piece. Such an interesting design.

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