I cast this on right after I finished Joes’ sweater the other day. It’s the Hans sweater from Best of Lopi (pg 95). I’m using Winter Blue, Indigo, Natural and Primary Red (which I toned down with brown dye) Gjestal Naturgarn from Elann. I’m up to the underarms on the body and just about finished with the first sleeve. I promised Daniel I’d try to have it finished by next Thursday so he can wear it to school. They have a dress code, but next Thursday is Dress Down Day. It’ll be interesting seeing him put on a turtleneck under it. He picked out the sweater and red, white and blue colors, so we’ll see….

In the last post I told you that Dan kept saying, “Smile right!” to the boys. This is why:
As you can see, all that’s missing is Joseph’s little red horns. lol. The child is every bit as onerey as he looks in this photo and then some. He is his father in every way from the tip of his hair down to his cute little Flintstone feet.
Thank you for posting this list! I have students (I teach high school) who ask what they can do and where they can look and, while I have a couple of options, it’s wonderful to have so many to offer them! I truly appreciate the effort this took!!
And yes, it does seem as though all he’s missing are the ears…if you could package that look you’d be rich!
in peace, mj
I’m not usually a follower, but I did post the mosaic image today. Thank you so much for your positive note to counter balance the rest of us.
I’m going to keep trying with this comment thing… love the new sweater you’ve got going – hope you can meet your deadline. Surely there’s no worry – I was amazed at how fats oyu whipped out that last one.
Gosh I need to slow down in my typing – it looks like I can’t spell. I meant to say I was amazed at how fast you whipped out that last one!
Thanks for another little boy pic! What a lovely way to start my day!
Not being an ardent Bush supporter, or a supporter of the war, does not mean I do not support our troops. Thank goodness we have the freedom in our country to agree to disagree at times 🙂 That’s what our country means most to me……Freedom, and it is those very freedoms that I worry so much about these days.
Daniels Sweater is lovely!! I’m always amazed at how quickly you crank these sweaters out.
Thanks for the positive links. I am so tired of hearing “How dare they spend $40 mil with the war going on?” that I want to answer “How could Clinton trash the military so much and still spend “X” mil on his parties?”
You are making my fingers itch for my Lopi kits, but I still have too much to finish before I go there.
Hey there Kim,
You and I have chatted enough that I know you support the troops. I wasn’t trying to insinuate that non-Bushers are also non-troopers. I was just trying to put in a little positive and useful info. I’m glad you feel the same as I do in that we can agree to disagree about things and still remain friends. So many say that but then don’t follow through.
That’s an awesome list there! I hardly think doing this could be perceived as anything but positive. The bottom line is that no matter what any of us thinks of the President, that we all support the troops. They certainly deserve it.
Jean, consider your tree limb supported by me! You are ALWAYS entitled to put your position out here, chica. And your point is well taken. I’ll dig into that bill and see if I can come up with something to post. Thanks for sharing the info. I still think that reminding people of the facies and souls behind our (and their civilian) body count is important. The administration is trying to make the deaths and injuries invisible (ie. not allowing photos of the caskets arriving in America, etc.). and that is plain wrong.
Anyway, thanks for keeping the dialogue open and giving blogland another point of troop support.
Jean – I just found your blog from a fellow Marine and knitter – Julie P. Thanks a million for posting a positive way we can support our troops on this day. You’re the best. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Semper fidelis.
Why does posting that photo make someone a non-troop supporter? Can’t you do all of those things you mention AND post a photo of that person who currently resides in the White House? Please tell us that you’re not in the if-you-don’t-agree-with-us-you’re-antiamerican club. Please, oh please.
I support our troops: I want them home NOW!
Thank you for posting that list and supporting our Troops.My Daughter is also in the Military and getting ready for her third tour .From the little bit she told me,these soldiers need all the help from us that they can get.And it does not have to be a big thing-just a note send to any soldier will make their day.
Let me be clear. I am in no way saying that if you posted the image of “War President” that you are a non-supporter of the troops. I am simply trying to do something proactive and positive. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is entitled to their beliefs and opinions.
Your boys are beautiful! I bet they keep you hopping. Thank you for being positive in regards to political issues. And the sweater looks beautiful!
Wow Jean, you’re Wendy-fast! 🙂
Great pics of the kids. I just got a similar one of my nephew, just needed the horns.
Thanks for posting the links. I pulled the post I made last night. I had second thoughts. I still have to get my thoughts straight before I put it all out there. I agree with you that it seems that as long as you have something horrible to say about political issues it is fine and dandy to post away, but if you disagree, you run the risk of being flamed. I can just about guarantee if Kerry had won and was being inaugurated today then there would be absolutely nothing said about the cost of the ceremony or all the pomp and circumstance. Just seems to me like too much focus is being placed on this issue.
I decided to post the mosaic this morning, but I added a link to you, for your list of ways to help. Thanks for your work in compiling it.
Thank you Jean.
Thanks for the reminder that there are other ways to illustrate our compassion for the troops. For better or worse, we will be living with this president for the next four years, so it’s helpful to find constructive ways to make our voices heard.
And the toned-down colors on the lopi sweater turned out great–I’m looking forward to seeing how the yoke comes out.
Thanks for the wonderful links. The safest place for our troops is at home with their families. I wish that’s where they were.
In Teresa’s comment she says that liberals wouldn’t be complaining about inaugural expenses if it was Kerry being inaguarated. I’m wondering what facts she’s basing this on. I think what she probably meant to say was the liberals wouldn’t be complaining about inaugural expenses if there wasn’t a war going on. The issue is not who the president is, the issue is that our country is at war and our fellow Americans are putting their lives on the line for us here at home. The least we can do is show some restraint and respect.
Thanks for the thoughtful post!
Thank you for this thoughtful post. I posted the War President mosaic on my blog today as a protest against Bush’s war policy. I also believe that a responsible democrat (with a small “d”) listens respectfully to the opinions of others. By keeping the dialogue open for the next four years we can hopefully continue to move forward instead of descending into the hatred and violence that have marred other countries’ politics.
Great post. You knit like the wind.
I hope some bills do get passed that genuinely support the troops, including the Reservists who have had to bear a lot of the brunt of things. I also support those who point out Bush’s hypocrisy in his unapologetic extravagance during wartime. I just don’t know. For those who have seen more elections than I in my 30 years…was there ever a time when we had a genuine decent guy in the white house who meant things he said? Or is this just the way it goes down, year after year? Despicable…
Thank you so much for the links. Every other knitting blog I’ve seen today has had that war photo.
Jean, as a military brat, I support anything that helps increase their pay, benefits, and retirement. I was almost 15 before I really realized that not everyone had the opportunities that I have had of living in Europe, Asia, and Central America. Heck, the only people I have every met who were born in the same place as me are other Navy brats and native Taiwanese. I have never met anyone else born where my brother was (Midway Island.) I support the military just not their current Commander in Chief.
I, too, have posted the War President picture. I have amended it to include a link to your list. That said, posting a picture on an internet site does not in and of itself preclude action. It doesn’t need to be construed as negative either. I see it as a celebration of the soldiers who died fighting for this country, as well as a commentary on the current administration.
From your list, I’m particularly interested in Books for Soldiers. Do you have any personal experience with the group?
Thank you for the list.
Jean, Thanks for posting the links. I was actively against the war in Vietnam but was too immature at the time to see the difference between the troops & the policy. This time around I know that at least I can help to make a difference for the young men and women in Iraq, Afghanistan and other related areas. It makes me sick, sick, sick that their young lives are valued at a crappy $12,000. And with all the billions of dollars being added to the national debt they still have to buy their own undershirts, batteries, pillows, and so many other items we take for granted.
We may not support the war effort, but please, let’s support the troups.
Daniel’s sweater is going to be something! I wish I could spend a week just having you teach me colorwork.
Thank you so much for posting your list of links. I knit for the troops and support our men and women in uniform with gratitude and prayers for them and their families. I am extremely proud to say that the men in my family served their country from the Revolutionary War to the present. My cousin lies in a watery grave with the USS Arizona, so the losses are real to me, real people, not numbers or a body count. Each one of our troops needs the support and encouragement of every American. Politics have nothing to do with gratitude and respect for any man or woman willing to lay their life down for any one of us. My dad told me when he was serving in Germany, Belgium and France during WWII, mail was his lifeline to his family and his country. He knew there was something besides war, there was his family and his country to which to come home.
We can disagree or agree about politics, but there should be no argument that we all have our own duty to perform, support our troops however we can. Thanks for listing so many ways we can show we care.
I’m from Canada so I won’t get involved with your politics but I love the colors in that lopi sweater that you are doing! Very Nice! Cheers Anne
I don’t think that you will have any trouble meeting the “dress down day” deadline. Another beautiful sweater. Love the picture.
Well Jean it appears going out on a limb this time worked! And I agree with Caroline I’ll help keep your tree limb supported on this issue! Great post and great links!
Love the sweater and can’t wait to see Dan’s next!!
Jean, what a classy lady you are! I usually sneak over to lurk around and check out your current projects which are always awesome. I went by Kerstin blog first today and noticed in her sidebar a link to your list here. Thank you so much, I have been wanting to visit the Books for Soldiers site and now I will have to check out each and every one of these sites.
I scrolled down through the comments and found so many positive and heartfelt comments that I just wanted to add mine.
On a lighter note, I noticed a comment made about how if Kerry had won there would not be the public outcry that has occurred since it was Bush’s inauguration. Not true. As a life-long democrat I can say with confidence that we would still be raking someone over the coals about the cost of all these inaugural events! We love our country so much but we all have our own ideas about how to run it. Anyone who says different just needs to go to a local school board or city council meeting. Actually I find it amazing that any consensus can even be reached. Politics ain’t for the weak-hearted that’s for sure!!
I am passing on this link of lists to my friends who would like to help also. Thanks again and take care of yourself and your guys. (what a sweet looking bunch)
Once again you have managed to make your point with grace and class…now if I could convince you to run for president…or perhaps some other public office.
Thank you for the list of ways to help our troops….as others have said before me, even if you are personally against the war, that does not mean that you cannot support the individual soldiers. I will read through the list and see what positive action I can take to make a difference.
I did not know what picture was being referred to in earlier posts but I saw it on a site later. I was saddened by the photos of the troops. But what I wondered was, how would these soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines feel about their picture being used for a political purpose? How do their families feel to see their loved one’s picture used in this way? Were they even asked?
Your boys look so cute as always, I am sure you wil get that sweater finished, there is nothing like a deadline from a child to keep you going!!
What a great site you have, I just found it after reading Major Knitter’s site. When I saw your list I quickly scanned down..yep…Operation Interdependence is there…I’ve been working with them for just about 2 years now…and I have to say the young men and women I’ve met through the group are a real credit to this country! The other volunteers are something else, too! Now, to get past my medical injuries so I can get back to regular volunteering…Knitting for the troops…it’s the least I can do to give back for the time and service they’ve allowed us to keep in this country.
Great knitting, too…glad I found your site.
Hi Jean,
Thank you for this wonderful post – and of course, for the links in your sidebar.
I’d just like to make a comment in regards to the War President image. I chose that image because I view that image as tribute to the soldiers that were lost in this war. Too many people think of the fallen soliders as a number, 1,362 – instead of 1,362 mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, husbands and wives. I can not speak for any of the relatives but I would think that many of them would want their soldiers remembered, and not overlooked.
I did not originally mean for it to be a political statement, but it paralleled as one. Which is okay with me. My only regret is that I didn’t post a link to the Iraqi casualties of this war.
Thanks again,
I like this post. It’s so very positive. Beautiful sweaters you knitting.
I feel like avoiding blogs that picture my husband’s commander-in-chief in that manner. Great color work sweaters! You are going to inspire people to try one.