I think I’m turning Japanese… I really think so…. okay… that song’s going to be in my head all day.
For three days now I’ve been trying to place an order from Amazon Japan for some cool felting books. I was a Czech and Spanish linguist for the Army so I’m not usually deterred by languages. But Japanese?! Ha! I’ve almost got it figured out though… I think. There are a couple of links where it’ll translate into English and then it leads you into a dead end. It takes me forever to find all the ones I want and then it empties out my shopping cart. I’ll let you know what books I bought once I’ve figured it out.

Another Baby Surprise done. I wish we had feel-o-vision. This cotton yarn is one of my faves at the local yarn shop here. That’s saying a lot because I’d far rather knit with wool than cotton. It’s SO soft. It’s for my new little nephew-to-be in Arizona. My brother, Danny, and his wife, Maricela, are adopting a baby boy this summer. This little jacket should be just the thing to keep him comfy next winter. I just need to find some buttons for this and the hand spun one.
Feel-o-vision? Now that would make posting pics of one’s self a lot more, um, fun?!? 🙂
I got a cool Japanese needle felting book in an auction on ebay (whimsical dogs). Maybe I’ll learn to do that someday… 🙂 Of course all the instructions are in Japanese LOL
No sex, no drugs, no wine, no women, no fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it’s dark!
Thanks a heap. Now I’ve got it running through my head too. I actually tried to buy “Turning Japanese” off iTunes but for some reason they don’t have it available. Can you imagine?
Sorry, I don’t do afghans either. So, are the books in Japanese too?
i tried to order some things from amazon japan as well. it went all the way through and then i clicked “submit” for the final time and it all disappeared. let me know if you succeed and best of luck!
I have a Japanese Felting book, called Handmade Felt Book, which has lots of neat felted handbags in it. I only wish that I could read some of the particulars in the instructions. It is a great book, in spite of it’s Japanese dialect though!
I could be tempted by those bags of yarn……but I am trying to work thru my endless stash here….LOL!
Well, it sounds like you had the same trouble I had trying to read Martina’s website so I could order some sock yarn! I gave up, and when I’m ready, I’ll ask YOU to translate for me! Have a good day!
I can see you are already hooked on the baby surprise. I love it too – so fun to knit, yet so easy. It was my first sweater I ever made. Your handspun one is just gorgeous.
Love your blog, by the way.
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