Eight-month old Daniel in his first of many EZ sweaters and hats:

Ahhh… the start of it all. This wasn’t my first sweater. I’d already been knitting for about five years… sort of. I’d knit something small and then not touch the needles for months or more. It was, however, my beginning of the knitter I am today. I was on a little group called the Knitlist around 1995. That’s where I heard of Elizabeth Zimmermann and ordered Knitting Around. And that’s where my love for all things wool began. The kind of wool that’s rustic and warm and lovely. This little sweater was done in Shetland Jumper weight that I ordered from Schoolhouse Press. This pattern is also in The Opinionated Knitter.
I took Aggie in for her 12-week vet appointment yesterday. Last week I noticed a bump inside her left leg. My fears were confirmed by our vet. It’s an Inguinal Hernia. She also has a hernia on her belly button which we knew about. That wasn’t a big deal but the Inguinal one is hereditary and it just wouldn’t be responsible of us to breed her though we were really looking forward to letting her have one litter when she was old enough. Oddly, the one who’s most disappointed is Daniel. She’ll have surgery in about a month to repair the two hernias and to be spayed. My poor puppy.
Jean, what a darling pic of Daniel. I just love it and now want to make one for Karolyn! Which pattern is it? Libby
Beautiful sweater! He looks precious.
Poor Aggie!! I hope that she feels better soon.
Poor little pupcakes.
I’m planning an online shopping trip as part of my temporary bedriddeness, and that Zimmerman book it is.
What a cutie in his sweater – I suppose you could put that on one of his teddy bears these days, eh?
Poor Ags!! My guy is going to get the snip-snip soon. I know we have to do this, but I hate this part 🙁
I love that sweater on Daniel. They sure grow up fast, don’t they? Sorry to hear about Aggie. She’s lucky to have such a loving mommy.
I have just started my blog, a month ago, and am enjoying meeting and keeping up with other wonderful knitters around the world. Please don’t give up the blog! We EZ fans have to keep ourselves in the spotlight! Although I “met” EZ through her books late in my knitting life, I had been a lonely knitter before then. I didn’t know others who knit. Then, knitting became popular and all the fantasy yarns took over. I love the simplicity and warmth of EZ and Meg Swansen, and the philosophy. I teach kids to knit at our local elementary school. I tell them that their knitting problems aren’t mistakes, just different techniques! I ask them if they want that technique in that place, and then fix the problem if they want me to, or show them how to fix it. As EZ said, a mistake repeated three times is a design feature, or something to that effect!
Poor puppy. Make sure she gets lots of treats to help her recover. Hope all goes well.
Poor little Aggie. Good for you doing the right thing even though it means no puppies. My first knitted items were baby things. There’s something special about knitting for babies. Daniel’s sweater is a beautiful beginning. And he’s such a cutie. Is it okay if I say he looks just like his dad. ;-}
Poor little pup, still at least it’s a fixable thing and hopefully not too major for recovery. Sweet little photos there.
Such cute pix of Daniel in that sweater. And poor Aggie; but at least it’s all getting fixed.
What a great photo – I love all things EZ! Sorry about your puppy, but it’s just a small inconvenience for years of joy!
Daniel looked so CUTE in his set! My, how time flies when you are tap-dancing to keep up!
I’m sorry about Aggie, but speaking about Aggies-instead of picking up Army fleece at Walmart for you guys, I bought A&M fleece instead. I figured Dan has had enough “be all you can be” and would rather “Gig ’em” anyhow, so I’ll get that in the mail ASAP. Question is-who’s gonna get it-Dan or Aggie-pooh?
Daniel and his sweater are soooo adorable!