Wednesdays are for spinning for me. That way nothing can interfere with my spinning day….except this Wednesday. I just had too much to catch up on. I’m still not finished and Wednesday is almost over here in Germany. I did get a lot done though and, as you’ll see, I was rewarded handsomely when the German post arrived. We don’t often get mail in our German mail box other than the weekly sale fliers every Friday. We pick up our American mail at the mail room on the Army Post
Besides a trip to the commissary and the usual daily stuff, here’s what I accomplished today:
I had to do some machine embroidery today.

I needed to put a new baby’s name and birthdate on a blanket. He was born August 21st. That shows you how long this has been festering in the back of my mind. Now… it is done. While the machine was out I also had to do a military flag for a retirement gift for the Sergeant Major in Dan’s unit. Now that’s done too. Man does that feel good to say.

Speaking of done… the Vittadini is done! Can you give me an AMEN! That’s another baby that’s been festering in the undone pile for months. It’s done in some German cotton yarn that I bought here at the local yarn shop. I swear it looks like suede up close. It’s the richest deep purple. I love it.
My friend, Mariana, and I are having our own little knit-a-long with the Knitting Pure and Simple Neck-down Jacket. Mariana cast hers on about a month ago. I promised to finish the Vittadini before I could cast mine on. I’m happy to report that last night I cast it on with Berroco Uxbridge Tweed that I bought from Elann about six weeks ago.
And now for the Grand Finale for today: Just to show you that no good deed goes unnoticed (in the knitting world anyway) I received a terrific thank you from Yvette in France:

You are very welcome for your parcel, good deeds have to be rewarded, glad the stitch markers are put to work already.
Very cute Vittadini, I love the colour.
What kind of sewing machine do you have?
Hi Yvette,
My machine is a Brother ULT-2003 Disney. Because of space, I don’t get to use it much and it’s like reinventing the wheel each time I take it out. As it was it took me all morning to stitch out those two little things that should have only taken an hour.
I was having some bobbin trouble when I was using it in regular sewing mode to sew up the flag. I ended up putting it away in frustration. Maybe I should pick one day a week for sewing! lol.
The sweater looks great & so do you! The stitch marker is so nice. It gave me some ideas for the ones I am making. Love reading your blog and about the others who have loved ones in Iraq. Hope to see them all home safely.
Cate (from Elann chat)
Yvette sent me your link this morning and so here I am, I’ve come a’calling. Wow, I love the Vittadini sweater and it looks just great on you! I’d say that your blogging has gotten off to a great start — love all the pics, and the knitting class looks like a blast!
The sweater looks great! What a terrific color on you!
Wonderful job. Your sweater looks wonderful. I am about to embark upon my first sweater ever to be knit. I will keep my fingers crossed that it all goes well.
Your Vittadini is beautiful. And so are you! Watch the armhole increases on the Neckdown jacket. You may have to alter them to get them right. I love how mine came out but I distinctly remember getting frustrated with that pattern combined with the Peace Fleece I chose. But I just pulled out the sweater last week and thought “I made this? It’s great!”