18 Saturdays

That’s how the boys and I count down the rest of the deployment.   We have 18 Saturdays left.  It’s so much more easy to swallow than 127 days.   Thank God because I’m about at the end of my rope.  Single parenthood is for the birds.  I don’t know how people do it on a permanent basis.  I am on the go from the time I slap the snooze button for the last time at 6:15 until the boys are in bed at 8:30.  Doesn’t help that I’m a moron and started the boys in Tae Kwon Do before the soccer season was over.  We have something every single day of the week now.  Even on Sundays there is Mass and CCD (and I’m the Religious Ed Coordinator so I have to work that day). 

We did get to spend about an hour with Dan (sort of) a couple of weeks ago.  He was promoted to CW3 via video conferencing (think really high speed web cam).  It was nice.  He was actually promoted on September 1st but held off on the ceremony until all his troops were back in Afghanistan from R&R.

I have good days and I have bad days.  I’ve told you all a little about my “battle buddy”, Pam.  She has been my rock.  Always there and we always seem to be on the same sheet of music.  Her husband is in Iraq and due home in December.  She has three kids and two of them are younger than the boys AND she has a full-time job.  On top of that, her husband had only been home from Iraq for about eight months before he had to leave again on this deployment.  We had three full years between Dan’s deployments and that was hard enough.  It just stinks no matter how you look at it but she always has a positive spirit and keeps me laughing.  I mean that awesome gut-busting kind of laughter where you start tearing up.  You can see why she’s my hero and I’m so proud to call her my friend.

We’re training to run together in the Berlin Half Marathon in April.  She ran it last year.  Both guys will be home by then and it’s our Grand Finale to the deployments to come out strong.  So I’m going to have a little contest to liven things up around here.  We’re running in a 10K next month to keep us motivated.  The prize?  A full pound of the lavender yarn I have up in the last post.  If I can’t sell it, I might as well give it away. Your mission, should you accept it, is to tell me where we’ll be running.  I’ll take all the correct answers and draw a name from them.  Don’t spoil the fun and put it in the comments, email your answer.  I’ll give a hint per post until I get the right answer.   I have a feeling someone will get it right off though.  Here’s the first hint:

On the knitting front I picked up the shawl kit that I bought in Shetland.  It’s a simple lace pattern but I’m having a heck of a time getting it set up and going.  Could be because I’m trying to watch “The Unit” while I’m knitting.  lol.

11 thoughts on “18 Saturdays

  1. Erica says:

    Congratulations to Dan!
    18 Saturdays makes it manageable. I haven’t even started counting yet, since we still don’t know how long it will be. Hang in there, it’s the home stretch now!

  2. Norma says:

    Congratulations on Dan’s promotion!
    18 Saturdays is a sensible and smart way of coping. Yes, single parenting has to suck. I’ve never done it, but my husband has. How’s that for a role reversal? When I went to work in England, that was him for over a year. I forever owe him a debt of gratitude for that.
    Chin up, Honey.

  3. Cate says:

    And one of those Saturdays is almost here so really it is practically 17 Saturdays 😉 Hang in there & congratulations to Dan.

  4. Kat says:

    18 Saturdays. I like that method of counting. I’m going to send you all of my crazy time-warp energy to you.
    Yes, I have a strange power, time zips by and yet very little gets done even though I am crazy busy.

  5. jayne says:

    Hi Jean, very glad to see you post again. Been thinking about you and hoping things are okay. I know about good and bad days. If you email me your address, I’ll send you a surprise. Congrats to Dan on his promotion and to you on your courage and perseverence.

  6. wool winder says:

    So glad you have a buddy to share with that truly understands. Good luck on training for the run. I’m really impressed! I have never been a runner, so that sounds like a monumental challenge to me.

  7. Kim says:

    I don’t know where you are running, but I will be cheering both of you on!!
    Only 18 more Saturdays…whoo hoo…that really doesn’t sound too bad at all 🙂
    Keep Smilin’

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