Ahhh…. Sweet Freedom for the Renegade!

Thanks to some of the comments left on my last post, I’ve tasted freedom!  I gave up on my self-imposed rules and cast on a little project. I’m THRILLED with how it turned out.  A little disgusted with how much knitting time I’ve lost because of my own rules. 

So.  I cast on 110 stitches of my favorite color of worsted weight wool (in this case Elann Highland).  I knit loosely with 8mm needles for about nine inches (the first inch in garter) and then I started decreasing four stitches per round until I had about 48 stitches left.  I flipped it inside out and did a three-needles bind off.

What did I get?  A hat for my little clown?

A fruit bowl?

Nope and nope.  Here’s what it looked like before being cast into the washing machine with a load of jeans:

And here’s what it looked like after about ten minutes in the washer and the addition of some simple embroidery stitches:

In a word…. I LOVE IT!!!  Here’s a close up of the sheep where you can see my Colonial knots and the beautiful colors in the wool:

So…. I’ve learned my lesson.  When feeling overwhelmed… cast on something!  Anything! Get those creative juices going!  I’ve had this tea cozy in my head for a couple of months now. It only took me an evening and a morning to do it and now I’m ready to knit again.  Ahhhh….. FREEDOM!!!

27 thoughts on “Ahhh…. Sweet Freedom for the Renegade!

  1. Nilda says:

    SO cute. Glad you let go of that set of rules. You have to break them sometimes to see if they’re worth keeping or not. Especially knitting and fibre rules.

  2. bri says:

    That turned out so well! You could make a cottage industry out of those. What a perfect gift it would make with an antique cup and saucer or some good loose tea. Way to get those knitting juices flowing! Good luck with the raglan and have a wonderful wknd!

  3. ann says:

    your tea cozy is adorable —- in freeing yourself, you’ve added another project to my list — I must have one!

  4. Garnet says:

    Jean ~ That would also with a different pattern make the cutest hat also! The little sheep could be like the flower on a slouch hat! Way to go girl! I love quick stuff you can make in a couple of hours or a day! Those would also make very cute gifts! Have fun!

  5. Bridget says:

    I love the tea cozy – that looks like the “house” part of the felted Cottage Tea Cozy from Knitters’ Stash, which I made recently. I had thought at the time that it would look good not as a cottage and you proved me right! Your embroidery is way better than mine . . .

  6. Ali says:

    I absolutely love your tea cosy – its sooo Scottish! I’m sure it will brighten your day every time you make a cuppa!
    I’ve also decided to tag you Jean, I hope you don’t mind. Just list 5 of your personal idiosyncrasies on your next post (its all the rage with us UK knitting bloggers at the moment!).

  7. Jenn says:

    I would buy that if I saw it in a store. It is soooo perfect. Would you mind posting the pattern….(I am a parinoid knitter and do nothing without a pattern)
    I can see Christmas presants……
    Oh I can’t get over how CUTE it is!

  8. Megan says:

    That’s so beautiful! I’ve recently been thinking about felting a handbag and embroidering it, and it’s great to see the concept carried out so nicely.
    By the way, this is my first comment, but I’ve been reading your blog for awhile; it’s always interesting!

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