Belated Blogabirthday

I’m so behind that I missed my own blogabirthday.  I can’t believe it’s been a year on October 1st.  Yikes.

I’ve definitely gone downhill in the last couple of months and seriously thought about shutting down Scottish Lamb but I think I’ll wait to see what happens over the next couple of months.  It’d be kind of silly to stop now when I’ll be knitting more with the arrival of Autumn. 

I’ve been working on Daniel’s Harry Potter scarf for Halloween a little.  It’s just about finished.  I’ll post a picture with him modeling it.  I haven’t touched the Hopeful.  All I have left is the second sleeve.

We’re taking the boys to Legoland tomorrow but other than that I’ll have lots of downtime this four-day weekend, so I’m sure I’ll finish it up.  I want to start on the Birch with my pal, Jessica (Show Me Your Knits), but I’m also itching to cast on some Fair Isle.  Of course, there’s also puppy knitting to be done for Aggie.  We went to see her on Sunday.  A little over four more weeks and we can bring her home. Here she is at 19 days old, face all wet from nursing:

I want to knit her a little felted cuddle bed for her crate and a little sweater.   Those 2am potty breaks are going to be cold in November.  It’s funny because I was making fun of my friend (yes, Michelle, you) about how she treats her 8-month old pug like a child.  Ya.  Guess who’s not laughing any more.  🙂

The fleeces I sent in to Blackberry Ridge last month arrived the other day.  In a word… GORGEOUS stuff.  I’ll have plenty of wool to keep me spinning over the winter.  Over nine pounds of processed roving.  The darker grey on the left is Molly from Skylines Farm and the lighter grey on the right is a pound of mohair blended with Odessa from Whitefish Bay Farms:

17 thoughts on “Belated Blogabirthday

  1. wool winder says:

    Happy blog birthday. I hope you won’t stop blogging just because you haven’t been knitting as much lately. It’s okay to take a break. Love the picture of your puppy…the contented look of a full tummy.

  2. Theresa says:

    Happy blog birthday! I know “real life” is the most important, but I hope you don’t give up your blog! I always enjoy it even if you don’t post every day. Have fun with Aggie and that roving! Both are beautiful! :o)

  3. Jan says:

    Happy Blogabirthday, Jean! It sounds like you have lots of interesting projects in the pipeline. Hope you reconsider your inclination to give up the blog. I enjoy hearing from you however often (or not) you choose to post.

  4. TAMARA says:

    Happy belated blogabirthday to you! Aggie is so pretty. I was just thinking about her yesterday and wondering how she’s doing. I like the tiny spot of white on her chin.

  5. Kim says:

    Happy blogiversary! What a sweet baby Aggie is :-). You will have fun with her.
    Give yourself a little break……life will quiet down 😉

  6. Ali says:

    Aggie is incredibly cute! What do you mean give up blogging? Its not something you do for other but for yourself and there’s no pressure to post so why give up? Besides you’d be sadly missed!! Happy blog-aversary! I didn’t know that you can send fleeces off to be carded – what a great idea.

  7. Donna says:

    Happy Blogbirthday!
    I think it’s normal to slow down. At first I was posting every single day. Not so much now.
    The puppy is gorgeous 🙂

  8. Jewel says:

    I’ve been checking back every day waiting for a new photo of Aggie. I don’t think a puppy can get any cuter! Where did you get your fleeces before you sent them to be processed?

  9. Mary Beth says:

    Happy Birthday! I get like that too, thinking of stopping – just take a break, maybe? We would miss you and your pup and your knitting too much!

  10. PJ says:

    NOOOOOOOOOOO…..what? and miss all these wonderful pictures you post? Cute puppies…bags of wool….wonderful military support sites…..I could go on and on….it’s part of my morning routine!!!
    Happy blog birthday….

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