Cha Ching

Lucky has yet another nickname.  Lucky, I now knight you Sir Cha Ching.  No.  That’s not Oriental.  It’s in reference to the money this sweet, sweet little guy has cost us thus far.  After the initial adoption fee and the gas to drive to Indiana to pick him up he’s had a few medical issues.  A few weeks ago he had a skin infection.  While at the vet it was discovered that his teeth are rotting right out of his head due to the lack of nutrition all those years at the mill.  We took care of the skin infection and he had his dental appointment today.  Holy Shnikies.  You know it’s bad when you walk in to pick up your dog and the vet says, “I’m warning you… it’s not pretty.  The boy is adorable but he’s a train wreck.  We had to pull seven teeth instead  of three, he has a ear infection and an anal gland infection.”  then she turned the bill so I could see it.  Let’s just say it was over $900 and less than a grand.  Did I say Holy Shnikies already?  My first thought was that Dan was going to have my head.  My husband is the sweetest guy there is but he grew up on a ranch.  He loves the dogs but he sees them as dogs.  I see them as kids.  I decided to take the bull by the horns and call him from the vet to let him know.  He said a couple of things and then said, “Well… it had to be done.  Hopefully he’ll be okay from now on.”   He loves our dogs more than he’ll admit.  You only have to see him with them when he thinks no one is looking.

  • rescue fee: $350
  • gas and hotel $500
  • vet bills $1400
  • This face:

Priceless.  He’s worth every cent and we’d do it all over again.  Just know that if you take in a rescue you better be ready for vet bills.  Lucky was worse off than a lot of rescues are but just take it into consideration….

Haiku for Sandy (Sandy’s Knitting)

Sweetest little dog

He’s learning to enjoy life

One day at a time

13 thoughts on “Cha Ching

  1. Norma says:

    Oh, what a sweet, sweet face. My husband is the same way. Just look at him when he thinks no one is watching. And when I called him to say I had put Vinnie to sleep, he cried on the phone. So much for the tough-guy act.

  2. kimberly says:

    They are totaly worth it. Our doggie was a rescue dog and ended up with Parvo ($1,000) the first month we had him. Then some sort of viral infection…oh then cue the allergy testing and shots…did I mention the 800.00 for the toe amputation due to a deformaty that made his nail grow right through his pad? All this on Army pay. Insurance for dogs next go-round. Your little Lucky is lucky to have you all. We too, wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  3. Karen says:

    What a cute pup! Worth every penny I’m sure. We call our yorkie Riley the $4000 dog since that is what we paid 18 months ago to have his herniated disc repaired. My husband wasn’t too happy about that but I took him to the emergency vet so it was my call.

  4. Kim says:

    Ken looks at the dogs as dogs too, which is why I work…. Slowly he has come to accept that I will do what ever it takes.
    When you look at those little faces and you know how much they adore you and depend on you….how could you not?

  5. Rose says:

    Years ago, my mother’s sweet little long haired Chihuahua became very ill. I was visiting and knew my mother would never take her to the vet (She’s just a dog!) I took little Chata to the vet and he said she was very, very ill and it would be expensive to treat her. I couldn’t afford it, so I made the horrible decision to have her put down. My father came with me. He was raised on a farm with the same sentiments as Dan. When the vet offered to dispose of her body, my crusty, cranky father refused and took her home to be buried in the back yard. He would have never admitted it, but he loved her very much.

  6. Dee says:

    Oh my golly, what a sweet little face. Those eyes!!!!
    (I once had a similar situation with a rescued guinea pig — A GUINEA PIG!!! Not quite $900 worth, but significantly more than the cost of the guinea pig. Oh well, what can you do? It’s the chance and responsibility you take when you love a fur-kid.)

  7. Sandy says:

    That’s the sweetest haiku for the sweetest little guy who must be made of GOLD!
    The cuteness is propelling him along. But what a face! What eyes! He is so grateful, I can see it! And really?!! WHO needs to eat? I mean, mac and cheese fulfills the dietary requirements, right?

  8. monica says:

    We have a German Shepherd rescue (I found her at a dog park) that we call our Ten Thousand Dollar dog. She cost a lot too when we first got her but she’s worth every penny (dollar). How could you not love their sweet faces?

  9. Seanna Lea says:

    Oh, that’s the sweetest little doggie face. We have a kitty who has required some work, nothing as extensive as this. If it got more expensive, we’d just save our money and pay to have the medical care done. But we have pet insurance, so that does help some.

  10. Jonathan says:

    What a coincidence, we have a Cavalier as well! Our was not a rescue, but we did find him at the Humane Society.
    We definitely see our dogs as kids (even though we don’t have kids). We would love to rescue a Cavalier as well, even though we know it would be a lot of work. They just have so much love.

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