Everybody Clap Ya Hands…..

Everybody Clap ya hands
Clap, clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap, clap, clap, clap your hands

Le Clapotis… she isa vera fun knit.

I wore it out to the bus stop this morning and I came back in looking like I’d wrestled with an Angora goat.  The mohair is shedding like crazy.  Anyone have any tips on that?

15 thoughts on “Everybody Clap Ya Hands…..

  1. Daryl says:

    Jean it is absolutely gorgeous. I’m so impressed. Were you able to do the whole thing from one skein? I’m getting worried about running out of yarn on mine.

  2. Jackie says:

    Your clap looks great! What beautiful soothing colors. I just cast on for one yesterday – it’s such a compelling knit, I’m really enjoying it so far.
    Also, thanks for posting the knit map. I’ve never seen it before, but it looks awesome.

  3. valerie says:

    Lovely, warm shawl!
    The mohair shedding? It comes with the territory, unless it’s handspun mohair. However, if you toss it in the dryer on air fluff with a towel and a dryer sheet (mohair is very static-y) some of the more superficial stuff will shed out.

  4. Luni says:

    Don’t you love the Duet? It is so soft, for a mohair blend. I made my one skein into a shawl, so I’m a little worried to hear about the shedding. Though it may not be a problem for me, that is, not until I actually wear the shawl. 🙂

  5. Jennifer says:

    She is a verra beautiful knit clapotis. Congrats. I have not tips on the shedding. I’ll be eager to see what other people offer up as tips. Have a great weekend.

  6. Marie says:

    It looks great! Gotta say that when I see the all those words “clap”, I automatically think of the song “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands…” lol.
    I hadn’t heard of KnitMap before seeing it on your blog, so no, you are NOT the last person to find out about it. 🙂 Neat little site.

  7. Wool Winder says:

    It looks great, Jean! I’m laughing about the shedding, because I was working on mine today and my white shirt ended up covered in red fuzz. I think the shedding will lessen over time.
    I must be a slow knitter compared to you. I estimate a week more until mine is finished. Having fun with it.

  8. Kim says:

    Jean….it’s beautiful!! To help with the shedding, soak it in warm water, put it thru just the spin cycle in your washing machine, then hit it a number of times against the side of your tub. Hitting it will help those loose fibers felt up a little bit 🙂 It’s what I do with angora.

  9. sandy says:

    Wrestled with a goat! ROFL! haha!
    I love it! It’s so gorgeous! (and you really have to hit it??)
    I have never been tempted by this pattern before…..

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