Father and Son

Everyone in our family has always said that Joseph is Dan all over again.  It’s a fact.  The first photo is Dan when he was about five or six.  The second photo is Joe at six:

See what I mean?  I had nothing to do with Joe except as an incubation system.  We have that photo of Dan in a frame in our living room.  Everyone always thinks it’s Joe.  He is his father through and through.  And not just in looks.  He’s a very charismatic, onery, funny person that everyone loves instantly.  They are buddies because they understand each other so much better than the rest of us do.   Daniel and I would have been bored silly over this last year without Joseph.  Daniel and I are more serious.  When we go shopping I can find Dan and Joseph anywhere in the store because I can hear them.  Two kids, one big and one little, having a ball no matter where they go.

Joe gives me stuff to stick in Dan’s packages when I send them.  He sent a letter to his dad with a secret message in “code” in the last package:

Yesterday we got this email from Dan:

When we were reading it the boys were laughing hysterically.  Even Joseph realized his “code” was pretty easy when he looked at it again and his dad was pulling his leg even from 3,101 miles away.

click it to get the real picture:


17 thoughts on “Father and Son

  1. Wool Winder says:

    I know it must feel like Dan is VERY far away this time of year. Hopefully this will be the last big hurdle to jump before you are together again. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.

  2. Lisa says:

    Hi Jean,
    What a sweet post. It made me laugh and get a little teary-eyed at the same time. I hope you and your boys have a wonderful Christmas.

  3. CatBookMom says:

    I just wanted to send you a special Christmas greeting, thanking you for the lovely and thoughtful posts you leave for us to read, for the wonderful spirit you share as you wait for Dan to come home, and for the fun and knitterly ideas you include in your blog. Very best wishes to you all.

  4. Kim says:

    WOW! The are the image of each other!!!!! My kids are like that too…….I have always said, “I was just the vessel”. LOL.
    Merry Christmas!

  5. KathyK says:

    Whoa – it’s a clone! Amazing how much they look alike. And I love that code and his response!
    Wishing you all a very merry Christmas 🙂

  6. Barb says:

    It so interesting how children come out. They may look like dad for awhile then mom for awhile, but they are their own little people right from the start! Happy Holidays:)

  7. Cate says:

    Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday and that Dan had plenty of Christmas fun even though he is far away. My thoughts are often with you all and sending lots of knitterly love your way. The wait is almost over – not many Saturdays left. 2007 is almost here and then whoosh! Dan will be home.

  8. Lillium says:

    Amazing how much they look alike! As someone who is adopted, pictures like that always make me wonder if there is someone out there with these feature (God help them! LOL) Love the coded message. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  9. Jessica says:

    I can’t get over the photos comparing Dan and Joseph–yeah, you were basically just the “carrying pod” with that kid. LOL. Too funny. Loved the “code”, too.

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