I finally had time to finish threading the loom for the towels.

Before I started weaving I noticed that I’d gotten three threads in one reed slot instead of two. I thought, “Heck with it. This is just to get used to the feel and learn. It won’t make much of a difference.” See the dark line that runs up the fabric. And then I noticed that I had a threading mistake. You can see it in the column of pattern that ends right in the center of the photo. Dang it all. That’s okay. I’ll have something to progress from. I still have my first handspun skein and I’ll hold on to these towels the same way.

The minor boo-boos just show that it was made by a real live human. All the better, I say! My dh is a beginner weaver, so we know how much work it took you to get to this point, and it looks great. Hooray!
I think they are lovely!
You must have learn so much from your first project. It’s amazing work despite the error.
Beeutiful! I’ve done that before too. Sometimes it makes a weak spot there though…but if your weaving is tight it should be fine. 🙂
I love the pattern!
That is really cool! It is fun to see another “high fiber” hobby.
Exellent work, so far. Really! And great attitude toward the mistake! It ‘is’ an opportunity for learning and ‘is’ something to progress from. I’ve recently adopted this attitude with regard to my learning to knit. Don’t sweat the small stuff. 😉
I’m looking…really closely, but my eye doesn’t catch either mistake. It’s a beautiful towel.
Holee Crap Jean! THAT is gorgeous!!! Does it take forever to do? Longer than knitting??? I’ve always thought a loom would be great fun, but how many hobbies can a person HAVE in this lifetime??? Beautiful Work!!!
Wow It looks great, and I can’t find the mistakes either. I bet when you have washed them the part that was 3 threads rather than two will work itself out and shift so that is barely noticeable even to you. I’m very impressed and so happy the loom is in a happy home.
As a non-weaver, I think it looks great! Surely you’re mistaking “design features” for “flaws”…
The flaw is actually a pleasant design element in my book. That is a lovely woven pattern. Nice job!
I think you would be crazy to hold that flaw against your towel. If you wanted perfect, you would go buy machine made-and then it would be a crap shoot and might be flawed anyhow!
I think it looks nice, and you should be proud of yourself.
Wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. That is stunning. I can’t even see the dark line.