Something Blue

I was going to title this post, “Mohair Hell”, but she was worth every swear word I uttered while knitting her… and unknitting her.  I did a lot more unknitting than knitting, that’s for sure.

Pattern: Cleopatra from the book Sensual Knits by Yahaira Ferreira

Yarn: Lana Gatto Mohair Royal from Elann

I hated knitting this in mohair, but now that it’s finished and blocked, I LOVE that it’s in mohair.  I can not believe how much this yarn softened up after blocking.  Love, love, love it. 

If I were to knit it again I’d knit both ends to the center and then graft it.  I followed the pattern and it’s grafted right after the lace at one end.  My neighbors all saw it this morning and assured me that I was crazy when I showed them the “line” where it’s grafted.  Are they blind?!  lol.

16 thoughts on “Something Blue

  1. Norma says:

    Wow, that is truly gorgeous — and yes, mohair is such a pain, but boy, it does yield a nice result (if it’s nice mohair, that is)….so cool and wispy and lovely. Your mom is sure to LOVE wearing it!

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