It’s a Good Day for Comfort Food

Food is a tricky thing to photograph.  This looks much creamier in person. Since Kim of Woolen Rabbit shared her Carrot Soup Recipe the other day, I thought I’d share a favorite in our house, Chicken and Cheater Dumplings.  I call them that because I cheat and use Grands Biscuits.  If you’re a purist, go for it and make them from scratch, but I swear, these taste just as good.  It’s cold, wet and icky here in the New York tonight.  This is just the ticket.  Click on it for a larger image.

Twelve more hats arrived today and yesterday!  That brings out total up to 66!  I want to explain why I’m not writing out each person’s name with a photo of the hat(s) they knit.  I had some very well-meaning little helping hands when I opened the first few packages and, to tell you the truth, things got a little mixed up.  I have who and how many, I just don’t know which ones. Plus, I don’t know most people’s blogs or any kind of info really.  I have people’s first and last name but I doubt everyone wants that posted.  Anyway, I just wanted to explain in case anyone was wondering.  I didn’t want anyone to think I was ungrateful or anything.  I really do appreciate the support.

8 thoughts on “It’s a Good Day for Comfort Food

  1. Thimbleanna says:

    Holy Cow — look at those hats. When mine arrive (mailed yesterday) send them back!!!
    That chicken recipe looks wonderful — what a great idea to cheat on the dumplings!

  2. gayle says:

    Holy cow!! Wonderful hats!
    And I totally want the pattern for that one in the lower left corner of the photo!!! Seriously. Anyone?

  3. Elizabeth says:

    I’ve printed your recipe and I’m sure my husband thanks you! I tried chicken and dumplings one time in my married life…and we ended up having Arby’s for dinner that night if that tells you anything – LOL!
    Awesome hats – will be contacting you shortly for address as I have a few to send your way. 🙂

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