Sure To Bring A Smile…

Drrruuummmm rolll please!  Four more packages arrived today with a total of ten hats which brings us to 105!!!  Whooo Hooo!  If I thought it’d be cute I’d do a video of me doing a dance for you guys!  Trust me.  It wouldn’t be cute. It’d be humiliating and you’d feel sorry for me so we won’t even go there.  Just know that I am grateful and that I’m doing you a favor.  If you want to see someone dancing that is sure to bring smiles keep reading.  I promise it’s worth it.

I have some other news regarding the hats.  When I started this I thought I’d have like maybe 50 hats.  I think I scared the organization I was working with when I told them it snowballed and in my excitement… well, I think I scared them.  I think they imagined way more hats than they could pass out.  I felt like I was being a pain and that is certainly not my intention.  They do great things, but I think they’re main goal is food.  I saw it as a way to get the hats to those on the streets but I didn’t think about the fact that it would be difficult for them to concentrate on getting the food out while getting the hats out as well.

The good news is I found a better fit for what we’re doing.  I was talking with a woman from our parish about the hat drive.  She mentioned that our church’s youth group does a trip to the city each year with Midnight Run Charity.  I contacted Midnight Run and this seems like the way to go.  Baby, it’s freezing here in NY and I just want to get the hats out.  I don’t sleep well at night with all these warm woolens just sitting here in my home when they could be helping someone on the streets.  So I took a trip to Dobbs Ferry this morning  to drop off the 105 items I had so far and I’m really glad I did because I saw a lot of ice on the cliffs along the river on the way there.

Now for the dancing…

If you like that one, follow the link and watch the one with the Huli Wigmen.  I love it when Matt says, “Holy Crap!”  Heck, watch ’em all.  He even made it to Shetland!

8 thoughts on “Sure To Bring A Smile…

  1. Manise says:

    Yay! You delivered the first batch of hats! I love the “Where the Hell is Matt”. It does put a smile on my face. I had seen this elsewhere in blogland last month. It was not lost on me, however, that Mumbai was the first place shown. I wish them peace.

  2. gayle says:

    I hadn’t seen that video – what a hoot! I smiled so big my eyes teared up…
    And woohoo! on the number of hats! We’re so glad you had that good idea, Jean.

  3. Kim Kaslow says:

    Woot! I am glad you were able to get those hats to people who needed them. Mine will be out in the mail this week. I wish I had more time to get more done…but each one helps, right?

  4. Norma says:

    Man!!! You are really workin’ it, Jean! The hats you are receiving are really incredibly lovely — your contacts must be just stellar knitters. So nice, and so amazing that you have already delivered 105!!!
    I love the “Matt” videos. He makes me so happy. I love seeing how far he’s come in terms of the production quality and his dancing abilities, too. When you look at the early ones, you see how a small idea has grown. So great.

  5. Lady Euphoria Deathwatch says:

    Hi Jean,
    I found you through Woolen Rabbit. I am also knitting for those in need of warmth. But I am knitting mittens in my son’s name. If you find you want a break in knitting hats and cast on a pair of mittens for your cause please do it in Kevin’s name and let me know.
    I am not collecting mittens here but people are telling me when they do it for their own area’s.
    My blog is if you’d like to check it out, and I will tell people about your hats and send a link your way.
    Thank you for your time and good works.
    Sincerely, Lady Euphoria

  6. Mother says:

    I just wanted the world to know I am so proud to be your Mother, From the time you were a small child you had a very big heart when it came to making other people happy and trying to give what was needed.
    I am proud of your Hat drive to help the homeless and all of your wonderful friends that helped make this dream come true. Jim and I both were thrilled with the gift you Dan and the boy’s gave us for Christmas donating to the Heifer Foundation in our name, Another why that say’s so much of you and your family I truely believe that is the warmest Christmas gift we have ever received. A “Star In Your Crown” our lovely Daughter.

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