The Last of the Prizes

I’ll post a grand total once I get a chance this week to get up to see Claudia at Countrywool and pick up the hats she has waiting for me.

We did the drawings last night and in order to get them up here, I’m just going to load up the winner with the prize. If I know the link to your Ravelry ID or your blog off the top of my head it’s linked below.   I’ll try to get the packages mailed out tomorrow. Definitely by the end of the week.  The winners are:

Marta: Socks That Rock Crayon Colors

Heather: Vesper Knit & Tonic

Tammy: Socks that Rock Firebird

Kimberly: Vesper Meteor

NormaHappy Feet 

SarahSocks That Rock Nodding Violet 

Carol, Jenna and Nancy: Stitch Markers Set

Suzann: Socks That Rock

Elizabeth: Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride 

Amy:  Secret Life of a Knitter Book

Suellen: Stitch N Bitch Book

and we have a new prize that goes to Tammy donated by Jennifer at Blue Stocking Yarn:

7 thoughts on “The Last of the Prizes

  1. Thimbleanna says:

    Congrats to all your winners — what a great list of prizes. I blogged my beautiful shawl last night — it’s getting rave reviews, as well it should!!!

  2. Norma says:

    w00t! I won! Thanks, Jean. You have done a wonderful thing. My Abigail would like to get out and help you with passing out the hats, I am sure of it. Let me know, and I’ll connect you two up. She is looking to do more volunteering.

  3. tam h says:

    i won!! thank you guys so much!!!
    i also have a few more hats, but have decided to make a few more before i send them on.

  4. Suzann says:

    Wow, thanks for the great prize, Jean. My daughter has claimed it for her own. So I cast on a pair of socks for her.
    Thanks again!

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