2 + 2 Still Equals 2

I finished the two socks on two circs.  (I don’t normally block my socks but for photo purposes I used the instructions for the sock blockers online by bending coat hangers. The website I found the directions on is gone now.

yarn:  Regia 6-fadig Country Color / color #4758

So here’s my opinion about this method.  This is just my opinion.  It may be great for you.  I wasn’t crazy about the 2 on 2 method.  I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been using dpns so long but I just never got to a point where I was totally comfortable with it.  The one major pro was being finished with both socks at the same time.  I can achieve this by knitting a little of each on dpns though.  The circulars just always seemed to be in my way.   Made it seem faster but I’m sure that’s just in my head.

I really tried not to cheat but after several attempts to do the heels, I did put them on dpns until I got to straight knitting again.  I doubt I’ll ever knit socks this way again.  I originally thought that I’d do at least one more pair to see if it grows on me, but really, I didn’t enjoy it so what’s the point?

And remember this whole mess so that I could knit until I ran out of yarn equally?  What a waste of time. It was all for nothing.  Look how much I had left of each ball.  If I’d knit until I ran out of yarn I’d have thigh-high stockings which would be fine if I was going for the school-girl look but if I were, it wouldn’t be in this pattern. 🙂

So, what took me so long?  I’ve been working on a couple of other things.  One of them I can’t really show you yet, but here’s a hint:

Hardy Stock

After my last post I pulled all my old genealogy files out and joined Ancestry.com.  Wow.  It’s amazing how much the internet helps in the research.  From right here at my desk, I found more in a weekend than I found in all the days and days that I spent in the National Archives and Library of Congress when I lived in the D.C. area.

I’ve mainly been working from my grandmother back.  I got stumped in 1880 because the line I was researching came from Nova Scotia (Campbell and Fraser) during that year and I’ll have to order vital records to get more information.  The 1890 Census records were destroyed by a fire and it’s really bogging up my research.

Since I couldn’t go any further along that line I started looking up another line. I was amazed to find that my tenth great-grandparents are John Alden and Priscilla Mullins who came over on the Mayflower and founded Duxbury, Mass.  I called my Gram to tell her and her reply was, “I could have saved you a lot of work and told you that”.  This is the price I pay for not getting to live around my family in New Hampshire very much. 

So I thought it’d be fun to see if any of you are my long, long…… long lost cousins.  At the end of this post you’ll find my family history to the Aldens and Mullins.  As you can guess, most of them were born, lived and died in Duxbury. Edith Chick Hodgdon was my great great grandmother and her mother, Christiana Soule Chick, was the first to move away… all the way to Watertown, Ma. (a whopping 40 miles away).  This photo is Edith with her sister, Elizabeth. My Gram believes Edith is on the right.  I can totally see Gram and my aunts in both of these women so who knows. Edith’s mother-in-law was Georgianna B. Allan Hodgdon (the great granddaughter of both Col. John Allan and Col. John Crane that I wrote about in my last post).

18 thoughts on “2 + 2 Still Equals 2

  1. Teresa C says:

    That is so cool, and while I don’t think we are related on that side, my husband is a Campbell and they came from Nova Scotia. Thing is, if you are a Campbell, you may as well be a Smith. Tons of ’em.

  2. Karen says:

    My mother’s uncle (by marriage) is a distant relative of yours. He’s related to John Alden/Priscilla Mullins and someone else from the Mayflower. Did you know that you can join the Mayflower society if you supply all the documents? My mother’s grandfather came from Nova Scotia. There are some Frasers who married in in the 1800’s. Nova Scotia has excellent records. My mother got a copy of a distant relatives research back to the 1700’s.

  3. bets says:

    I’m pretty sure we’re NOT, unless they emmigrated from Somerset, England. That might warrant further investigation.
    I did think Delano in your history is significant. Are you related to FDR??

  4. Theresa says:

    Socks are stunning, I love the colors and couldn’t really see that in the other photos, but once all done it is awesome. Beautiful photo. I have Soule ancestors so may be indirectly related in a round about way! :o) Glad you are having fun. Do you have a count down for the boys yet for when Dad comes home?

  5. Jennifer says:

    I love the simple sock blockers. I’m going to use those dry cleaner hangers for something useful now. Thanks. The socks look great. I love those stripes! I didn’t like the socks on 2 circs… but I do go back and forth between dpns and Magic Loop. I always knit both socks at the same time (but not on the same needles) so that I don’t have variations.

  6. Alison Jacobson says:

    The socks look great, and I love the colorway. I’m knitting a pair of socks at once using Magic Loop, and I have to agree with you about the two-at-once assessment. Not for me. It feels excrutiatingly slow, quite frankly. Yeah, you get the second sock, but if you’re at all an end product knitter, it’s a delayed sort of satisfaction. Still, no SSS, which is a plus.

  7. janet says:

    I don’t know if we’re related but my grandmother traced our ancestors back to the Mayflower so maybe you and I are “related” in that way. I’ll have to have a look at that link you gave.

  8. andi says:

    Those socks rock! Very Nice!! I started to do the ancestor thing last year. I’ll have to pick it up again. Yours is rather fascinating indeed! Cool!

  9. bri says:

    I loved reading about your family history. There’s an interesting book out about the Seddwick (Kyra Segdwick is a descendent)family, who also came over on the Mayflower. All I could think about was maybe they were friends with your family.
    I love the start of the banner. Can’t wait to see the reunited photos…

  10. PJ says:

    Oh I just love this stuff! I think it’s fantastic the information you have found in your search! Such history! your socks- great work- great that you were trying a ‘new’? method! Seems like a fair opinion I’d say! ok- your sign is a porshe and mine is a yugo! CAN”T WAIT!

  11. Gracie says:

    Lovely socks. I don’t like the 2 on 2 method too much either. I like to take my socks with me to knit on them and they arent very portable that way.

  12. cathy says:

    My family also came over on the Mayflower…the brothers Samuel and Edward Fuller from Redenhall, England. Their nephews Thomas and Robert came over a few years later. It is from Thomas Fuller that my family is decended. He was my ninth great grandfather if that sounds right? So even though I was raised in Michigan and now am in southern California..should I say…Howdy neighbor?

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