Hey there, Chickadee

One of my favorite things about being around my grandparents is being surrounded by nature. 

My grandfather built their house up on a little mountain in the White Mountain area of New Hampshire.  I love getting up at the crack of dawn with them, wrapping up in a blanket, cup of coffee in hand, and going out on the deck to watch the woods wake up.

It’s so perfect to see a family of deer or foxes run across their land and listen to the birds.   My grandparents can tell you each kind of bird we hear.  They’ve always had lots of birdhouses and I remember my grandfather always at war with the squirrels trying to figure out a way that he could keep them out of the bird food.  Ever since I was a really little girl I’ve loved Chickadees.  I would actually start crying if the other birds looked like they weren’t letting the poor little Chickadees in the bird feeder. When my grandparents see Chickadees they think of me (there are a LOT of them in NH) .  I love that.  It’s sweet and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.   Gram’s 81st birthday is on Saturday.  My gift is late because I just found a great book (Backyard Bird Quilts) and knew exactly what I had to make her.  The book just arrived on Tuesday so I dug into my fat quarter stash and spent yesterday afternoon working on this:

I took a little artistic liberty with the colors (that and it was really hard to see since it’s so dark here in the afternoons) but I think it’s pretty dern cute.   

And because I’m feeling so nostalgic lately, here’s a picture of Gram when she was about three or four years old just outside of Boston.

After the whole Mayflower discovery that I wrote about in the last post, I went to the library and got the book “Mayflower” by Nathaniel Philbrick.  I’m into the second chapter and really enjoying it.   I had no idea that they lived in Holland for about twelve years first.  It popped up a couple of times during the research but I couldn’t figure it out.

And finally, we are so close to Dan coming home that I swear the air is electric.  I can’t remember the last time I was this excited about something.  One week from right this very moment, if all goes as planned, we will be on the Autobahn and less than an hour from being home.   YeeeHAW!

14 thoughts on “Hey there, Chickadee

  1. Angie says:

    Beautiful pillow, your Grandmother will love it. I am so looking forward to your hubby coming home. I’ll be thinking good thoughts that all goes according to plan

  2. margene says:

    Pictures of our grandparents and objects from their hands are rare. I have a pillow that my grandmother did in Bargello and sit on it when I spin.
    I read Mayflower last year and found it fascinating. It is so interesting to go to Plymouth and see where they lived, too.
    How exciting for you! May the time between now and Dan’s return just FLY!

  3. Theresa says:

    LOVE the pillow! I love chickadees too. When my Grandma died I stayed at my folks’ house for a few weeks after but hubby had to go back to work (different state). It was Jan/Feb. I remember sitting there by the window nursing my 3 month old son watching the snow falling in huge flakes and the chickadees at the feeder as I worked through my grief. There were tons of them and when I see them I always think of that time. The pilgrims and other puritans were in Leyden. Any chance you will get to go there before you get home? I guess we’ll have to enjoy your blog posts now, because in a few more days there will be NONE! LOL :o)

  4. Joan says:

    How lucky that you still have a grandmother! I miss both of mine desperately. Wonderful bird pillow. I am like your grandfather, warring with the squirrels to get them away from all my bird feeders. I put a dog bowl on a high post at the farthest end of the yard and fill it with squirrel food and that works pretty well. But every now & then, they wander to my tree with the feeders. Don’t worry, I am feeding the New England chickadees for you!

  5. janet says:

    Your grandmother and my sister in Milford New Hampshire are the same age. Where outside of Boston did your grandmother grow up? Our family lived in Belmont.

  6. Daryl says:

    The pillow is incredible. Doesn’t it make you feel wonderful to find the absolutely perfect something for someone you love. Great job on bringing the idea to fruition. We are excited for you your family reunion all over the world. Have a wonderful time being together again and congratulations on making it through a full year of being a single mom. Daryl

  7. Wool Winder says:

    I love the pillow. Birds (all kinds) are my favorite. Looking forward to the return of the Purple Martins, which should be soon. Love to wake up to their song–much nicer than an alarm clock.

  8. Janice says:

    I went to mass this morning for the lighted candle procession for the presenting of Jesus at the temple and I said a prayer that all goes well with your family reunion and God bless you for being such a strong woman. Enjoy your posts and stories of the past. I’m very excited for you and the boys.

  9. Alison says:

    I just ended up on your blog and have been completely sucked in!! I have a 9 year old son with Asperger’s (and a 13 year old son who’s mad as a hatter!). I just wanted to say how it made me smile to read about Daniel’s obsession with the Titanic – Robert had that same obsession – he would even bite his toast into the shape of the Titanic! He’s moved on to different things now, but the Titanic always makes us smile.
    We live in Scotland – Linlithgow – but I’m afraid I don’t knit. My husband is in the Army Reserves. We keep waiting for the call to go to Afghanistan and reading your blog has brought that reality a little closer too.
    Hope your move back to the States goes as planned and that the boys settle into their new schools. Keep up the blog – it’s amazing.

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