1/2 a Saturday Left

As of right now we have 1/2 of a Saturday left.   The boys think we have two.  Here’s the clicker.  For weeks, at least six, I have thought the 7th was on a Thursday.  Dan’s Detachment Sgt’s wife called me from Italy yesterday to see what my plans were for “Wednesday”.   I assumed she wanted to drive up a day early and needed a place to stay.  I said, “Oh, it’s only a 2 1/2 hour drive for us so I’ll just go up on Thursday morning.  Would you like to spend the night here with us and follow us there?” 

Dead silence.  Cricket.  Cricket.   I’m thinking, “What?  What’d I say?!”

“But, Jean, they come in on Wednesday.”   WHAT?! I ran to look at my calendar.  Holy crap! She was right! Why didn’t anyone tell me that the 7th was Wednesday?!  LOL.  I mean, I would have realized it sooner or later, probably tomorrow when I look at the calendar for the next week, but NO ONE told me!  Not even Dan.  I have sent him an email every single Thursday for weeks now, “Six more weeks today!…..  Five more weeks today!…”  He never caught on.  Everyone around here said they thought I was just excited and mixed up.  What a great gift!  It also means I have to get off my tail and get things done.  Wednesday is SO much earlier than Thursday.  Seriously.  Thursday is at the end of the week.  Wednesday is in the middle.  There’s a HUGE difference. There’s a rack of beer to be bought, house to make sparkle, banners to finish and hang up, clothes to be washed (his clothes have been in a closet for a year… they need freshening up)…  I think Daniel will figure it out (if he hasn’t already) but Joseph doesn’t have a clue and I can not wait to see his face when he realizes we’re going to pick up his dad.  He keeps saying, “I wish it were the 17th so dad will already have been home for a day.”  It’s killing me.  I’ve never kept a secret so well. I’m going to pretend I overslept and they missed the bus.  I’ve already set up the ground work and keep telling them that Aggie has a vet appointment (I just said, “next week” in case the flight gets delayed) so they won’t wonder why she’s in the car.  They won’t realize until I make a right turn for the Autobahn instead of a left for the school.  I wish I could run a video camera and drive at the same time.  lol.  So please everyone pray for on-time flights, no bumping of  seats and great weather from Afghanistan to Germany so that he actually gets home when they say he is because I don’t think I can keep quiet much longer. 

I gave Aggie a bath and good brushing yesterday.  Can you believe she’s 17 months old already.   She’s grown into such a beautiful little lady.  I use the term “lady” loosely.   She’s really a big pig.  I know it’s hard to believe looking at that face but you can bet that within five minutes of eating a huge belch comes out of that pretty little dog.  It’s hilarious and we laugh every single time.

I cast on the Chick Knits Ribby Cardi a couple of nights ago.  I’m using my favorite yarn, Elann’s Highland Wool which I bought for this pattern over a year ago.  I also bought it in medium and dark blue.  It was just serendipity that the Elann group is doing a KAL.  It’s a perfectly relaxing knit so far.

Okay.  Gotta get to work.  You probably won’t hear from me until next weekend so everyone have a great week.  I know I will!  :-))))))))))))))))

31 thoughts on “1/2 a Saturday Left

  1. jessie says:

    How exciting. I hope you manage to keep the secret! We once took the kids on vacation to the ocean without telling them anything except “Get in the car, we have a surprise.” I think they thought we were going to take them out into the woods and leave them or something at first!
    Seeing your Ribby Cardi makes me feel guilty that I have stalled on mine. I must get back to that. It’s a great pattern.

  2. betsy says:

    Oh, geez, I knew it was sneaking up, but dang! I SO hope everything goes simply on Wednesday! WEDNESDAY! And you don’t have that case of flippies on the porch yet? Is the freezer stocked up?
    Chicken Little-the sky is falling!!!! In the BEST possible way!

  3. Wool Winder says:

    A day earlier than you thought…that’s great news! Surprising your boys sounds like so much fun. Also, it’s a good way to manage their expectations in case there is a delay or something, which I’m praying there isn’t. I’ll be thinking of you guys on Wednesday.

  4. chrisknits says:

    Prayers are winging their way for all plans to go “as planned”. Best wishes for the reunion and for Dan’s assimilation back to your world.
    Aggie belches? I don;t think I have ever heard a dog belch. She must be a wonder dog!

  5. Lee says:

    I can’t wait for your first post after he is back to share in the happiness! Have a great reunion! And as for the belching.. all of our dogs do it, but we have a sweet little girl (not as little as yours!) who does the same thing!

  6. Thimbleanna says:

    I’m so excited for you and your boys. And what a wonderful writeup — I had tears in my eyes just imagining the boys’ surprise. I’ve been trying to read your archives — I’m never going to make it — I’m just in awe at the sheer volume and fabulousness of your knitting!!!

  7. Benne says:

    Wow! The time really did fly by. Of course, since it’s WEDNESDAY instead of Thursday, it’s even closer. I’m so happy for all of you to be reunited. Aggie looks spiffy, she’s ready. ;-} I’ll be thinking of you all and just smiling.

  8. Nilda says:

    Woo hoo. I’m so excited for all of you. Can’t wait to get the full report. Sending many warm fuzzies and prayers your way.

  9. PJ says:

    I can imagine the EXCITEMENT!!!!! Enjoy every second of waiting until you lay your eyes on your sweet husband!!!!! …isn’t it amazing how we just gotta’ do the things like wash the dog…like it would EVEN matter 😉 totally understand! HAVE FUN!!!! Will be thinking of you and your family!

  10. Catherine Conrad says:

    Hi, Jean. I just want to say how happy I am for you and I will keep you all in my daily prayers. You must be so happy!
    You are a good Mommy to have kept the “suprise” as you have.
    Hugs, Catherine

  11. Mary says:

    This is SO exciting! I can feel your excitement. We were at Ft. Campbell airfield when our son’s plane touched down in September after a year in Iraq. The air was so electric with the excitement. All the best to you and your family.

  12. Kim says:

    I am so excited for you all…..the boys will be over the moon!
    Have fun with your Ribby. I had started one in Lambs pride, but I’m not loving the yarn, so I am going to start again in the highland wool (it’s my new favorite!)
    Aggie looks fabulous!!!

  13. Jessica says:

    I am so stinkin’ excited for you and Dan. Mike and I have been talking about how the time is almost here. Too funny that you had the day of the week wrong. It’s almost over! (So what kind of beer do you put in for Dan?)

  14. bri says:

    I love that it’s all happening in the next 24 hours! I can’t wait to hear about the happy homecoming over the next couple of weeks. Take care, and pat yourself on the back for a very long year that you’ve survived.

  15. jayne says:

    Wow! IT all happens tomorrow!!!
    Oh, Jean, I am sooo happy for you and Dan and the boys (and Aggie). What good times. Have so much fun!!

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